How long does a BJJ Gi last? [2022]

bjj gi long lasting

How long does a BJJ Gi last? All you need to know in 2021

The BJJ Gi is the uniform for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. If you want to know how to maintain your BJJ Gi for a long time, then you’re at the right place.   

One effective way to make sure your Gi lasts for an extended time is to shop for a high-quality, more massive Gi with thinner fabrics. The lifetime of your also Gi depends on your maintenance and care. Most of the Gis’ lifetime is two years, but it can be extended to a few years more if you keep it more carefully. To make your Gi more longer lasting and durable, you have to take care of it through proper washing, storing, and other general maintenance.

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Durability depending on the type of fabric

Single weave fabrics: If you’re planning to practise Jiu-Jitsu for at least a year, then you can purchase a Gi, which has a single-weave fabric. It should be light, smooth, and straightforward. Its durability is not more than a year, even if you take care of it properly. And there’s no guarantee of getting expected service. All of these kinds of fabric are fragile, thin, and not very durable, making them less expensive.

Double weave fabrics: Sometimes, it’s called a double cloth because if we touch it, then we can see two separate sets of interconnected warp and weft or filling yarns are forming a two-layered fabric. Double weave is best thought of as a process because of its weaving process, which, in some sense, is ‘two times’ as regular weaving. Two separate sets of weaving make cloths more strong, resistant, and durable. Its durability is better than a single weave. Anyone can use it for two years without any hesitation. 

Pearl weave fabrics: As the name suggests, it has the presence of multiple rows of pearl liked shapes aligned together. When two sets of weft, a looser and broader weft, and a thinner and tighter weft are woven in an alternate order, the looser weft creates the appearance of raised pearl-looking bumps. Pearl weaves are the most popular and comfortable fabrics used for Gi jackets because of their higher durability and mid-light weight. 

Golden weave fabrics: It has a distinct ladder-like appearance. The golden weave is created when wider and heavier warp threads are interspersed between the regular threads, and the looser weft is woven over and under a whole part of the thinner warp threads. Therefore, it implies that its durability, resistance, and safeguard is much higher than any fabrics for Gi. Its lifetime can be a decade. Technically, pearl weave and golden weave are also single weave fabrics with a difference in weaving style.

Take care of your Gi properly

Washing: Since Gi must be washed so often, it is a significant factor in caring for your Gi. You have to wash in cold or warm water and air dry (outside). Bleach is considered a bad idea as it weakens the fibers. The tissues then become more prone to tearing, and it shortens the life of the Gi. Washing by turning the cloth inside and out is crucial to preserve any patches. Hot water will damage your Gi, and so, it should be avoided. You must purchase a Gi that was sized larger for you and then used a warm water wash and take a single day for drying it. Outdoor air drying is preferable. Be careful when you wash a white Gi if there are any other colored cloths in the washing machine.

Drying: Your biggest mistake can be if you have forgotten your wet Gi in your bag after class and left it overnight. You will understand the importance of drying in the next morning. The black, moist environment of the Gi sitting in your bag leads to bacterial growth. It’s enough to establish bacteria over a single night. It can even spread a permanent bad smell in your Gi, which is quite disgusting and unhealthy. A better way of drying your Gi would be if you submerge it in warm water and wash it properly. For drying, it’s best if you can keep it outside, hanging in the rope. Fresh air helps to reduce any foul odor and lets it dry quicker. Don’t try to dry it in a single enclosed room, which has little or no airflow.

Tidy up: Basically, Gi is a heavy dress, and technique of tidying can affect your Gi. If the fabric is folded too much, it can cause permanent creases. The convenient way is to hang it on a hanger. 

Dealing with odors: The stench from your Gi can cause an embarrassing experience. So, you need to know how to eliminate it naturally. Mixing up vinegar with water to wash the Gi can be the right solution for the funky smell. You can fill a pail with water, pour 1/2 a small bottle of white vinegar in the water, and leave the Gi soaking overnight. Later, you can wash it, usually in the washing machine, which will restore your Gi from the funky smell.

In Conclusion

How long a BJJ Gi last depends on many factors and can’t be answered per se. However, as we’ve seen above there are several factors which may influence how long your Gi will last. To make sure your Gis lifetime is extended as much as possible, follow a proper maintenance routine and it’ll be with you for years to come.!


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Why BJJ is the Best [2022]


10 Reasons Why BJJ is the Best Martial For You to Learn [2021 Update]

Table of Contents

1. A Great Stress-reliever

BJJ demands a lot of focus and attention to perfectly execute the moves. That is why it works as a great stress reliever. So, if you had a bad day or you are feeling anxious about any upcoming event, just try doing a couple of rolls. To master this art form, you need to learn multiple moves and techniques.

And those need to be executed with a lot of strategies that require a lot of focus. Since the mind gets so engrossed in the process, the mind gets too busy to think of anything negative. Thus, it helps in fighting with all the stressful situations that life throws you in.

2. Physical Exercise

While training for BJJ, you will have to do a lot of rolling on the mats. This instantly activates all the muscles of the body. As a result, it increases the endurance of the body and works as a fat-burner.

And we all know how beneficial regular physical exercise can be. Especially when it is fun to do at the same, it doubles the result. When you are training for hours to learn BJJ, your muscles are working incessantly which helps to get you in shape and offers you better physical health.

3. One of the Best Bases for Martial Arts

BJJ acts as fundamental to learning any form of martial arts. Anyone who learns BJJ at first gets an upper hand in learning any martial arts. It is very effective against other grappling styles.

Without the skills of BJJ, it becomes near to impossible to perform well in MMA. Initially one can sustain in their career without it, but later the grappling skills learned in BJJ will always help to win.

4. It is Perfect for All

Why BJJ is the best, you ask. Well, there are multiple reasons that we have talked about already. And there are many more we will discuss later. But one of the biggest reasons is that BJJ is not confined to any age. Nor it is gender-biased. Anyone can get into BJJ at any age.

And it is perfect for women as well. It can be very helpful for women as a self-defense technique. And it is very popular among them because it lets the physically smaller or weaker person give a strong fight against a much bigger attacker. If you are a woman and are concerned about protecting yourself while walking down a deserted street or in crowded places; choose to train yourself in BJJ. It can be a real-life savior!

5. It Builds Character

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu not only makes you physically fit, but it also helps to build your character as well. By enduring through the tough training sessions, you will go through a roller coaster of emotions.

With each challenge, you learn new ways to deal with difficulties in life. It puts in unforeseen situations and teaches the technique to not let those overpower you. Thus, it constantly keeps improving your perseverance and makes you more confident.

6. It Builds Your Mind

The rigorous training that every student of BJJ goes through prepares them for life as well. With so many moves to learn and apply on a fight, one must learn how to set aims and achieve the goal, which requires a lot of strategic planning. It also requires one to think fast and solve the problems.

In a sense, BJJ is a game of real-life chess that is played on the ground. As a result, through this training, a student becomes mentally sharp and attains fast-thinking ability. 

7. Continuous Self-improvement

This martial arts technique will teach you that no matter what level you reach in life you will never be perfect. And to be on top of the game all the time, continuous improvement is the only way.

It teaches you to work on your moves every single day without losing your focus. Whether you are a blue belt or a black belt, once out of practice, you will lose your skills soon. So, every BJJ students remain consistent in their training for the rest of their lives.

8. You Learn Valuable Life Lessons

As mentioned earlier, while training for BJJ, you get to acquire many life lessons along the way. Being focused, being present in the moment, learning to strategize and plan accordingly: these are the skills that most people lack but are also very important to lead a good life.

It takes a lot of effort to learn to use the art of grappling. Dedication and hard work are a must. BJJ helps you learn these skills and become the best version of yourself.

9. BJJ Training is Fun

BJJ is fun to learn especially when you start getting good at certain skills. This is one of the reasons why people from different parts of the world love being a part of it. It is also not as physically harming as most other martial arts.

That is why in many places people aged around 60-80 years also train for this. When you enjoy doing an activity, its benefits get multiplied. And that is what happens while training for BJJ. It is the fun and excitement of learning new moves that keep people motivated to perform hours of practice every single day. 

10. It teaches the Most Real-life Fighting Techniques

Most of the street fights happen on the ground. And BJJ teaches you how to use the art of grappling to pull your opponent down to the ground. If you ever get into street fights, BJJ lessons will surely help you get out of the situation with flying colors.

That is why it is said that you get to learn the most real-life fighting techniques from BJJ. It can save you in real-life self-defense situations.

Final Words

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is an ancient martial arts technique. But it is still prevalent in today’s day and age and works perfectly with the modern time. That is why BJJ is the best martial arts form one could learn. If you want to learn it for self-defense, to pursue it as a profession or just for fun, this timeless martial art will serve all the purposes. While making you physically fit, it will also prepare you for life. With hands-on life lessons along with planning and strategizing skills, you will learn to be the version of yourself through this. So, if you haven’t already, think about starting to learn BJJ soon.




  1. What does a typical BJJ training session look like?

Ans: A typical Jiu-Jitsu class starts with a warm-up session. Since Jiu-Jitsu training involves a lot of pulling and tugging, it can cause painful muscle pulls. That is why a warm-up session is compulsory. After the drilling session ends, the rolling begins. Rolling means putting the techniques learned into practice.


  1. What is the age limit to train?

Ans: There is no age limit to train for BJJ. People of all ages can learn Jiu-jitsu. It is because BJJ is physically less harming than other martial arts. Starting from kids to sixty-year-olds, people from all age groups train for BJJ.


  1. What is Gi?

Ans: Gi is the uniform that is worn while training for Jiu-Jitsu. It has a jacket, a belt, and pants. It is made with a special material that can withstand the pulling and tugging of the daily practice sessions. It is treated with the same respect by many BJJ players as a Knight treats its armor. Because Jiu-Jitsu plays a very technical role in performing the BJJ moves. If the Gi is not strong enough to endure the grappling, one can hurt their finger joints because of it.


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BJJ or Wing Chun for Self Defense [2022]

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BJJ or Wing Chun for Self-Defense: Our Full Guide [2021 Update]

BJJ and Wing Chun are fundamentally very different martial arts though both of them have self-defense at their core of values. Wing-Chun is a striking based art-form which makes it very useful when someone comes charging at you with punches. BJJ, however, is ground-fighting based martial arts. This makes it, in our opinion, a little more suited for self-defense scenarios because most street-fights end up on the ground. That does not mean though that Wing-Chun can’t help with street fights at all. Read on to find out more.

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You can be the most peaceful person out there, but sometimes it is the fights which come to you. Whether you have been in the unfortunate situation of having had to defend yourself, or whether you feel the need to keep yourself, your family, and friends safe, learning a martial arts will come a long way in developing the skills needed to be “street-ready”

Of all popular forms of martial arts – BJJ and Wing Chun are the most well-known when it comes to self-defense. If you are aiming to pick one of them to get yourself trained in self-defense – first you need to know the differences between them to determine which one would work best for you. 

The below section manifests all the major differences that you should consider to make up your mind. So, without any further ado, scroll down and read them carefully.

bjj self-defense

Differences Between BJJ and Wing Chun

BJJ and Wing Chun, both are almost neck and neck when it’s come to self-defense, yet they have their fair share of differences that can clearly change your life forever. While both of them are “empty-hands” forms of martial arts, BJJ covers one-on-one combat and Wing Chun covers close distance combat. Starting from this, they have many more considerable distinctions between them which sets them apart. Have a look at them below.


The principles of BJJ and Wing Chun can be said to be almost the opposite. Whereas Wing Chun focuses on attacking the weak points of enemies, BJJ emphasizes using the strength and weight of the enemy against him.

Wing Chun is fundamentally based on reflexive actions, it trains you to respond instinctually and immediately to a sudden attack. It aims to teach you defense and counter-attack simultaneously for unforeseen attacks.

On the other hand, BJJ prepares you to battle against what you see coming to you and teaches you to overpower your enemy by grappling. Favorably, both of them are less concerned with practitioners’ size, weight, and strength. Nevertheless, a certain amount of flexibility is expected for both of them (but that’s someone everyone of us can easily work on every day for just a few minutes).  



BJJ and Wing Chun both offer several intuitive techniques for attacking and defending. Between them, BJJ focuses on grappling and Wing Chun focuses on striking, punching, and kicking.  

However, BJJ techniques will solely permit you to fight against only one attacker. On the other hand, Wing Chun may come out to be better for street fights as its techniques allow you to fight multiple attackers alone.

That being said, it is important for you to know that since Wing Chun doesn’t include grappling techniques, the possibility is that you are likely to lose a fight if your enemy manages to throw you down which is what usually happens in street fights.

Teaching Process

Now that you know that BJJ and Wing Chun both entail relatively different styles of fighting, it is obvious that training and practice is also going to be quite different.

In BJJ training classes, first, your instructors will select the pairs according to the present practitioners’ physique, as all BJJ techniques involve two people. And, then the coache will demonstrate the techniques that you are supposed to perform. You will basically have to repeat those moves after them with your partner. 

As Wing Chun has 108 varieties of movements, initially the trainers proceed with the basic techniques at first. In this case, the trainer gives brief instructions to all the students present in the class at once.

Again, both of the two teaching processes use drilling as the means of practicing and brushing up students’ learnings. During the assessment period, instructors evaluate the students’ performance and following that, help them by correcting and improving their form.

How Long Does It Take to Learn? 

BJJ is thoughtfully designed to be learned within the shortest possible time compared to other standard martial arts, at least when it comes to self-defense. To learn the very basic techniques of BJJ, it would take up to one to one and a half years of practicing – depending on the number of classes you attend per week.

In comparison to that, Wing Chun requires a longer time duration. Although its techniques are said to be easier than BJJ’s; yet with having such a whopping number of movements, it only makes sense that it’s going to take longer to learn.

If you happen to be very keen and intend to be very regular with your training, then it might take about three years of time, or otherwise, the duration would be stretched to five years or more.  

Risks Involved

If you start digging around about the potential risk BJJ brings, you will be surprised to find that in relation to accidents, it a very safe sport overall. Although, minor injuries during practice can occur, for instance, elbow, or knee sprain. 

But when it comes to Wing Chun, the injury risk is more apparent as it involves varieties of techniques including different types of kicks, punches, push-backs, and similar moves. These moves are likely to cause injury if you lose your focus even for a jiffy.

wing chun dummy

Benefits of BJJ

While learning BJJ techniques can be a bit overwhelming sometimes, yet the plethora of benefits make it worthwhile. Not only does it help you learn self-defense, but it also comes with myriads of other benefits. Given how easy it is to get in shape with BJJ, you would never want to hit the gym ever again. 

Moreover, if you are too caught up in your work schedule and seem to have a really hard time there, BJJ can alleviate your stress too. In fact, doing BJJ regularly not only helps relieve stress but also restores your energy and boosts up your working spirit. You’ll find yourself more enthusiastic and focused than before. 

Benefits of Wing Chun

For anyone who wants to learn powerful self-defense skills while enhancing their health, fitness, and well-being to a great degree, Wing Chun works like a charm for them. If you want to burn your calories off without feeling the hard work, while developing a skill for life, Wing Chung is the way to go. 

It will improve your health in a way that’ll make you feel good from the inside and strong on the outside. You will discover a powerful mental endurance that you never knew you had. You may not even realize it at first, but soon you will see a great deal of improvement in your focus and strength. Your life will change for the better and your productivity will take you to a whole new level.

BJJ vs Wing Chun: Pros and Cons Overview

This section is to let you know the specific pros and cons of the two art forms – BJJ and Wing Chun. Skim through them carefully to check out all the benefits and disadvantages to decide which one would be the best for your self-defense training. 

Pros of BJJ

  • Allows you to overpower your opponents with a stronger physique
  • Enables women to defend themselves from any iffy situation
  • Allows you to de-escalate a situation while avoiding violence and blood-shed, for example with rear-naked chokes and armbars
  • Helps to lose weight and gets you into a better shape
  • Prevents the possible risks of chronic illnesses
  • Releases all your physical and mental stress 

Cons of BJJ

  • Doesn’t include any techniques that allows you to fight multiple attackers
  • Does not necessarily include any techniques that allow you to fight armed attackers
  • Cannot be drilled without a partner (Should actually be a pro because partner training leads to more realism in practice)

Pros of Wing Chun

  • Enables you to fight multiple attackers
  • Strengthens your muscle’s tone and endurance
  • Drilling a variety of techniques extends your flexibility
  • Enhances your health and nerve system 

Cons of Wing Chun

  • Comes with numbers of potential health risk s
  • Only teaches you to defend Wing Chun attacks
  • You’ll lose the fight instantly if your enemy happened to grapple you

Final Words

This article is dedicated to those who are planning to dip their toes in self-defense lately but got stuck into the dilemma of whether to go with BJJ or Wing Chun. Aside from being just a sport, BJJ and Wing Chun both are hailed to be a great solution for self-defense. Both of them fairly own their distinct techniques and advantages, however when it comes to street-readiness we would recommend BJJ due to the nature of street-fights ending up on the ground more often than not. 


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BJJ Brand List – Top 8 Ultimate Overview [2022]

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BJJ Gi Brands List: The Top Guide for 2021

The Gi is a training uniform that is worn by Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) practitioners. In the world of BJJ, the training uniform is of the utmost importance. A quality Gi helps to enhance the performance of fighters. So people who want to get into this sport or who are already in it should learn about the best Gi brands. Every brand has their signature style and design. But at times, differentiating between a good Gi brand and a bad one can be a complicated task. 

Because of the variation in products, you have the option to choose according to your preference. You can go for a classic Gi attire, or if you’re planning to change things up, you can go for a more modern Gi. Having multiple options in your closet is a must in the current day and age. Find a brand that goes with your personality and be brave with it.

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Best Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) Gi Brands

The following list is in no particular order. All the brands on this list are credible, and they have been producing quality Gis for years. So without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the best BJJ GI brands on the market.


The Fuji brand was established by Frank Hatashita in 1969, who is the 8th Dan. Frank Hatashita is known for serving the role of vice-president at the International Judo Foundation. He is also the former president of the Pan American Judo Federation. Hatashita is a sensei to many academics and trainers. Being associated with multiple dojos and jiu-jitsu competitions, Hatashita has established a name for himself in the community. He is regarded as a visionary in the martial arts arena, and that’s why when he created this brand, everyone adored it instantly.  

Fuji creates the most affordable gears in the market, providing great value for money. They sell various sports gears and attires, including the Gi. Their tagline “Achieve Excellence” along with the mount Fuji logo resonates with the jiu-jitsu practitioners. 

People like Lia Hatashita and Jimmy Pedro are an integral part of the brand. It’s fair to say you can’t go wrong with Fuji Sports Gi.

Notable Features of the brand: 

  • Quality products at reasonable prices
  • Designed by professionals for professionals 
  • Available in most regions of the world



Anyone who doesn’t know about the Hyperfly brand might think of it as a part of Nike. But let me assure you, Hyperfly and Nike aren’t related. This doesn’t take away anything from the quality products Hyperfly makes. 

Hyperfly is relatively new to the market. This brand was established in 2011. Because of their unique Gi products, they have made a name for themselves within a short period. They want to build a community for the jiu-jitsu fighters. Their brand motto is, “You can’t teach heart”. This is something every fighter deeply believes in. 

Hyperfly is backed by some famous athletes in the martial arts arena. This played a huge part in their instant success. The tagline itself is eye-catching. They have some talented group of designers who come up with innovative designs and products almost every season. The aesthetic design, build quality, and the hand-picked raw material is the ideal combination to lead the market of Gi products. Occasionally they release limited edition cut and sew items that get sold out before you even have a chance to ponder on the thought.

Notable Features of the Brand: 

  • Modern and innovative design 
  • Backed by famous athletes 
  • Limited edition products 
  • The powerful tagline to match the branding



Shoyoroll is another established brand in the Gi industry. They are known for leading the line when it comes to combining style with performance with their innovative products. The brand has a streetwear vibe to it. So if you are into that sort of garment, you should check them out.

They have a unique outlook on their branding, and historically they have backed many underdog athletes in the martial arts arena who later on became legends of the sport. Back in the day, MMA fighters used to wear Gis during their entrance walk, which represented their heritage and teachings. Shoyoroll takes inspiration from that in various aspects of their product designing. 

The brand has a strong fan following as they combine streetwear and skate culture while making Gis. Most of the products disappear off the shelves within weeks. That’s why you constantly have to keep an eye out for their new drops.

Notable Features of the Brand: 

  • The stylistic approach to their branding
  • A mixture of streetwear fashion, skate culture, and vintage MMA
  • Top-end brand



The spelling itself is a hint of the edgy branding that Venum is trying to push. They make garments for boxing, kickboxing, Muay Thai, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, and even basic fitness clothing. What sets them apart from the competitors is their unconventional approach to design and style.

The Brazilian jiu-jitsu team of Venum consists of Gustavo Batista, Luiza Monteiro, Renato Canuto, Raquel Canuto, and Gianni Grippo. Gustavo Batista is famous for beating black belt athletes when he was a brown belt.  And Luiz Montero is at the forefront of her generation’s BJJ athletes. The brand’s association with such names truly complement their product.

A key feature of Venum’s Gi products is, when a Gi attire becomes a hit, they come up with versions and modify the existing structure. Venum challenger, which is their most talked about Gi, is currently running the 4.0 version. For the product to reach that stage, the previous versions had to be decent.

Notable Features of the Brand:   

  • Stylish product line with edgy designs 
  • Associated with world-famous BJJ athletes
  • Made for fighters 
  • Use of performance-enhancing weaving and material


Tatami Fightwear

After being established in 2009, Tatami Fightwear didn’t take too long to rise to the top of the Gi market. Since then, they never had to look back, and now they have diversified their product line by introducing sports accessories. 

The brand was created in South Wales by Gareth Dummer and Lee Jones. Gareth Dummer is a BJJ black belt athlete himself. The brand has managed to reach every dojo and BJJ training center across the globe. Selling high-quality products at a reasonable price is the primary aim of the brand. Coming from humble beginnings, the founders understand the importance of affordability.

Their rise to fame is mainly down to introducing innovative Gis’ that are affordable for the maximum number of athletes. They have contributed to the growth of the sport by partnering with fighters and training centers, and Tatami is associated with the Royal Marines REORG foundation. This perfectly aligns with their mission of making BJJ accessible to the general public.

The brand has evolved over the decade. They have introduced a new range of Gis, combat sports gear, and even leisurewear. The journey of this brand was mainly pushed by people sitting behind a desk, who constantly come up with innovative ideas and designs.

Tatami Fightwear supports pioneers like Vitor’ Shaolin’ Ribeiro, JT Torres, and Robson Moura. This has enabled them to have a loyal fan base who supports and loves the brand.


Notable Features of the Brand:   

  • Best quality Gis at an affordable price point 
  • Worn by both pioneers and rookies 
  • Different color options
  • Diverse product line



Gameness started its journey back in 1998, and to this day, the brand is still going strong. They managed to sustain themselves because of their eye-catching design and quality products. The attention to detail in the Gis made by Gameness is noteworthy. The backend team invests a lot of time in studying the BJJ sport. This allows them to implement performance-enhancing features to their products. The selection of material, weave techniques, and logo placement are fundamental traits that set Gameness apart.

Whether you are a pro fighter or someone who is starting their journey in the world of jiu-jitsu, you can rely on Gameness’ Gis. The price points of some of the Gis are comparatively cheaper than the competitors. This competitive edge over the rivals is the result of multiple factors. The pearl woven products, especially the Gameness Pearl Gi, is a solid choice for anyone. There is no room for complaints concerning the price you are paying for the quality.  

Identifying the exact size for your attire can be tough, and that is one aspect where Gameness has the option to improve. Chances are you will get confused by their size charts. But if you do a bit of research before buying, you will be able to find your perfect fit. 

Notable Features of the Brand: 

  • Comparatively cheaper price point than the other brands 
  • Good value for money 
  • Different woven Gis available 
  • Known for improving training performance of fighters because of manufacturing technology


Hayabusa Fightwear, Inc.

Hayabusa was founded by Ken Clement (CEO), Craig Clement (CFO), Luke Harris, and David Zikakis (COO) in 2006 with a vision of becoming a market leader in martial arts sportswear. Hayabusa is a Japanese word for Peregrine Falcon which is also known as the duck hawk in North America. At the start of their business, they only sold fighting gloves, innerwear like rash guards and fight shorts, and other necessary equipment. Later on, they branched out and started making high-end Gis.

Hayabusa aims to fill the needs of modern-day athletes with their technology and performance-driven product line. The brand itself is a representation of what 21st century corporate entities should be like. Hayabusa has partnered with world-famous companies from different sectors. Partnerships with Marvel, the Walt Disney associate, and renowned educational institutions like the University of Waterloo, St. Lawrence College, and the University of Cincinnati shows their corporate prowess and the superiority of the brand’s image.  

They are among the few brands that follow a research-based method in making their Gi products and other sports gears. Most of their products get tested at the University of Waterloo and the University of Cincinnati. Whenever they are making new products, the Hayabusa team focuses on providing a maximum amount of comfort, premium fit and feel, and lastly, safety, and performance. These elements have led to the success of the brand.  

The term Kaizen often gets thrown around in the world of martial arts. It translates to ‘Continuous improvement’. Hayabusa, as a brand believes in that ideology. If you take a look at their track record, you will see that the brand nor their products have ever been stagnant. They are continuously coming up with ways to better themselves. They are a good representation of the sport itself.

Hayabusa makes some of the best Jiu-jitsu products in the market, but they do come at a price. Their product line includes BJJ Gis, fight shorts, and rash guards. Their performance product line is something every other brand is jealous of.

Notable Features of the Brand:

  • High-end sports gears and BJJ Gi
  • The comparatively higher price point
  • Commercially successful brand 
  • Research-based manufacturing system in place



The history of Brazilian jiu-jitsu and Mitsuyo Maeda go hand in hand. If Mitsuyo Maeda hadn’t traveled across oceans to reach Brazil, we wouldn’t see the modern form of BJJ. The Maeda brand follows the historical tradition of BJJ with its classic Gi and other sports gears.

Judo master Maeda introduced jiu-jitsu to the Brazilians. Carlos Gracie and the Gracie family spread the teachings of Mitsuyo Maeda across the country. The history of the Brazilian jiu-jitsu would be incomplete without giving credit to its first master. 

The brand takes great pride in having the same name as the sport’s creator. Their tagline, ‘Tradition within’ is elegantly expressed through their beautifully designed products. The timeless style, coupled with a clean and minimal approach to their Gi is something that the brand takes great pride in. They aim to be the leader in the jiu-jitsu Gi market, but the brand still has a long way to go from a commercial standpoint.

The Maeda brand has kimonos, belts, NoGi gear, and different apparel items in their product line. They provide sales, so be on the lookout to get the best deal.

Notable Features of the Brand:

  • Traditional and classic designs 
  • Provides sales throughout the year
  • Kimonos, belts, noGi, and apparels available in different variations


Guide for Buying the Ideal Gi 

When you start going through the Gi options that are available online and offline, you may get overwhelmed. That’s why you need to have a thorough understanding of what to look for in a Gi. This brief guide will help you to make the right decision. 


If you compare BJJ attire with other sports attires, you will see the difference in prices. BJJ Gis’ are comparatively more expensive than karate or judo uniforms. There are a few reasons behind it.

Brazilian jiu-jitsu is a niche sport. Plus most of the people who practice it are professional athletes. That’s why the price range is higher for the Gis. But the quality is also topnotch. So whatever brand you choose, you can be confident of getting a durable and long-lasting Gi.

Finding the Right Fit

There are certain size guidelines that brands have to follow. While most brands follow the traditional sizing chart, some brands make up their unique size chart. Gis’ have size variations of A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, and A5. The size gets bigger as the number increases and the A stands for adults. Children’s Gi has sizes starting from M0 to M4.   When you place an order, you will find a relevant size chart. 

Pick a Gi that will fit your body justly. Don’t go for anything loose or tight as it will hinder your performance. As you will be wearing the only innerwear underneath the Gi, picking an oversized Gi won’t help your cause.

A Gi should be comfortable and easy to wear. Keep this in mind before you place your order. 

Picking the Weave Variation

Brands mainly use three types of weaves in stitching Gis- single weave, double weave, and gold weave. Some brands use their own weaving pattern. But those Gis are often more expensive.

The single weave Gis’ are expensive, and they are known for providing comfort. It’s a simple form of weaving. So, it doesn’t have any complications to it. But there are questions over its durability.

The double weave stitching adds extra traction to the clothing making it more durable. However, it is more expensive than a single weave. But double weave is better for competitions.

The golden weave combines the positive aspects of both single weave and double weave. It’s lightweight, durable and most importantly, perfect for tournaments and competitions. But it does come at a price.

Some brands use unique weaves like the pearl weave. Pearl weave and other similar weaves are known for being used in high-end Gi.


Concluding Remarks

When buying a Gi, people may have a personal preference. But you can completely rely on the mentioned brands to provide you with quality and comfort. So what are you waiting for? It’s time for you to start your journey in the world of Brazilian jiu-jitsu.


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Best BJJ Takedowns for Beginners [2022]

BJJ Judo Takedown

Best BJJ Takedowns for Beginners – Improve Your Game

Want to know which takedowns you should learn as a BJJ beginner? 

Don’t get left behind and improve your overall game by learning a few important takedowns such as the double-leg or single-leg takedown.

A common trend with many BJJ practitioners is that they aren’t that good at takedowns. The thing is that when practicing Jiu-Jitsu, and rolling, many people just pull guard, therefore their takedown game isn’t as refined as it should be

When such BJJ practitioners try to transition into MMA or have to grapple against a wrestler, they can have problems. 

So, it is absolutely essential to have some good takedowns in your arsenal. 

Yeah, I get that you can pull guard in sport BJJ competition, but you can’t forget that at the end of the day, BJJ is a martial art, which means we have to consider the self-defense aspects of what we’re doing as well. 

I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t want to pull guard in a street fight, or an MMA fight. 

So, in this post you are going to learn about the best takedowns that every beginner should learn and practice

There are tons of different takedowns that you can learn, for instance, in Judo alone, there are 67 different standard throws with tons of different variations. Add the techniques from freestyle wrestling, Sambo, Greco Roman, and other grappling arts, and you’d probably have thousands of different takedowns that you can use. 

But, like the famous Bruce Lee quote, you don’t need thousands of different techniques, you just need a few that you have practiced thousands of times. Therefore the simple takedowns in this list should be your bread and butter for standup grappling, and believe me, it’s these simple takedowns that actually work at the highest level of the sport. 

So, here are some of the top takedowns that you should practice as a beginner.

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The Double-Leg Takedown

If you do any form of grappling, you have probably seen the double leg takedown. It is the first takedown you learn in any wrestling school, yet it is the most effective takedown at the highest level of the sport. 

It is prominent in BJJ, all wrestling styles, Sambo and MMA, however, Judo doesn’t allow it for some useless reason (to their own loss, I might add) 

Though it may seem like a brute force football tackle in hindsight, there are many technical intricacies to the double leg takedown. 

Firstly, you can’t shoot a double-leg takedown if you are afraid of commitment. You need to be quick and set up the takedown to get to your opponent’s legs before they sprawl. 

Secondly, it is important to shoot the double leg from the right distance. The general rule is, only shoot for a double leg if you can touch your opponent. 

Moreover, there are many variations of the couple’s leg, largely depending on your head position. Which can be on the side or in the chest. To complete the takedown, you can either drive through your opponent, or cut an angle, and drop them to the side.

The Single-Leg Takedown

The single-leg is another standard takedown that is very important in wrestling and BJJ. As the name suggests, all you have to do is reach down and grab one leg of your opponent, which is usually the lead leg, since it is closer. 

After that, there are loads of different ways to finish the single leg, you can run the pipe, trip the other leg and do a lot of other variations to make your opponent hit the mat. 

Single legs are also a great way to chain takedowns, which is essential at the highest level of the sport. Single legs can create openings for other takedowns like double legs and high crotches. Khabib Nurmgomedov was especially good at chaining takedowns, in multiple fights, he shot a low single from his own side, and chained multiple techniques to get the takedown. The initial grappling exchange in the McGregor fight is a great example of this.

The Low Single Leg Takedown

Though a low single is still a single leg, its mechanics are quite different you have to shoot very low on your opponent’s lead leg and grab their ankle. After that, depending on your opponent’s reaction, there are many ways to finish the takedown. 

However, there are some things that you need to be aware of while trying a low single. Firstly, you should ideally spend as little time as possible on your knees, this is because when you are hitting a low single, you may save yourself from a guillotine, but it is possible to expose your back. 

Low singles can be shot from a longer distance than traditional single legs. And many fighters use them regularly, take Khabib Nurmagomedov for example, in both the Aquinta and Mcgreggar fight, he got the first takedown after shooting a low single from the outside.

The Hip Throw / O Goshi

The hip throw is one of the first techniques taught in Judo, and it is very effective, especially in BJJ, where you and your opponent are eating a Gi. It is also a good technique in No-gi, but without the proper grips, it can be a little challenging to execute.  O-Goshi roughly translates to the “big hip throw”, and though this name may have you think that it is a massive slam, however, done right, it is actually one of the most controlled takedowns in grappling. Therefore, it is perfect for beginners. 

There are several easy to initiate this takedown, however, the simplest way is to utilize an under hook. If you are training in a gi, you can also grab your opponent’s belt from the back. Whereas the other hand maintains a grip on your opponent’s wrist or sleeve. 

From there, you have to step in and lower your hips until they are below the level of your opponent’s. Then pull your opponent’s sleeve, and using your hips as a fulcrum, you can cause your opponent to hit the mat.

The Ankle Pick

The Ankle pick is another excellent low-risk takedown that can be very effective, and if you land it, you end up in a very favorable position to pass guard. 

To land the takedown, you need to place a grip on your opponent’s wrist, sleeve or lapel, and grab the ankle with the other hand. Then you need to elevate your opponent’s leg to disrupt their balance.

When you land the takedown, you already have a grip on your opponent’s ankle, which allows you to easily transition into different guard passes. 

The ankle pick has been used multiple times by Tony Ferguson, and Danier Cormier also used it to take down dark lewis in his heavyweight title defense.

The Front Headlock Snap Down

The front headlock is a very common position that you may end up in during a BJJ match. Most practitioners will pull guard when they have a front headlock and try to get a guillotine, however, if you use the snap-down, you can stay on top, and avoid taking any risks. 

When you have the front headlock, you need to make sure that you maintain shoulder pressure on your opponent, making them carry as much of your weight as possible. Then, you need to fall to your knees and snap your opponent down with you. 

They will end up in a turtle position, and from here you have a lot of transitions depending on your opponent’s response. You can take the back for points, and even string together submissions like the guillotine, Anaconda, and dance to get a high percentage finish.

The Arm Drag to an Inside Trip

This is perhaps one of the easiest takedowns to land in a BJJ match, and it is especially effective against larger and stronger opponents. Though it is effective in freestyle wrestling and MMA, it becomes a lot easier in BJJ, since you can grab your opponent’s sleeve to get a more effective arm drag. 

To initiate the arm drag, your rear hand will grab your opponent’s sleeve, whereas the lead hand will grab the material behind the tricep. You can then drag your opponent out of their stance, while simultaneously hooking the inside leg. 

Remember to throw your weight towards your opponent to off-balance them and secure the takedown.

When you land this takedown, you will probably end up in half guard, which is easier to pass an attack from.

The Tomoe Nage / Sacrifice Throw

Tomoe Nage is a Judo takedown also known as the sacrifice throw. It is named so because you temporarily put yourself under your opponent before throwing them over you.  

In hindsight, this may sound like a bad idea, but when executed properly, the sacrifice actually allows you to generate a lot of momentum and get  deep under your opponent’s center of gravity.

The Tomoe Nage is especially useful in BJJ, because you have the right grips to execute the technique, and even if you mess up, you end up in guard. Therefore, this is a great technique for competition, however, in a self-defense situation it isn’t that suitable.

Final Thoughts

Practicing takedowns is very important in BJJ, especially if you want to be effective in self-defense, and maybe want to transition into MMA. Even if you are transitioning from Gi to No-Gi, takedowns become more important, since positions like bottom guard become more expensive. 

Moreover, it is quite simple. If you don’t incorporate takedowns into your training, you will always be a step behind the competition.


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Jiu-Jitsu Street is a community of fun loving and hard rolling BJJ enthusiasts. Born out of our passion for the gentle art, we have decided to create this blog and help you on your journey. Let’s grow and learn together on this never-ending journey. Oss!

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16 Benefits of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu [2022]

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16 Benefits of BJJ: The Ultimate Guide for 2021

If you are fed up with following boring ways for healthy living and looking for a simple way to improve fitness while having fun, then Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu could be a perfect solution. BJJ is an exceptionally famous martial art through which you will get all kinds of fitness benefits. There are benefits for both your physical appearance and mental state.

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Benefits of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ)

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a martial arts for self-defense and fighting. This game grabbed individuals’ attention rapidly and has been developing ever since. In Japan, “Jiu-Jitsu” means “gentle art.”

BJJ is a combination of ground fighting, grappling, and submission holds. However, it’s a rewarding martial art; a hard one. This art’s primary focus is to bring the competitor to the ground and gain a dominant position through a wide range of techniques. 

The story of Jiu-Jitsu is pretty much ancient. It’s a family of martial arts that started in the Sengoku Era of the Muromachi Period in Japan in the year 1467. In Jiu-Jitsu, different tactics were used, but weapons were seen as impractical. Practitioners learned effective grappling methods for controlling their opponents. Now, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a renowned mixed martial art around the world and gaining popularity day by day.

BJJ is much more than a physical recreation or martial art. This gentle art can give you a healthy way of living, along with a vast range of mental benefits. A daily practice session of Jiu-Jitsu can completely transform your life by making a significant impact on your lifestyle.

Who doesn’t want to get a fit and healthy body? An appropriate amount of healthy foods, water, sufficient sleep, and exercise can give anyone a much better life. If you add BJJ to your regular lifestyle, it will change your life completely. Besides, you can make new friends at your gym, which will help you to stay fresh and anxiety free.


What Are The Life-Changing Benefits of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu?

Physical Benefits


1. A Great Exercise

In Jiu-Jitsu, you have to give all of your nergy and muscle capability to perform. A variety of low and high-intensity efforts with short rest are needed in BJJ sparring rounds. A combined effort of arms and legs is necessary to take the opponent to the ground and toget into a dominant position by neutralizing the competitor’s strength. That make it a perfect exercise for maintaining body fitness.

2. Enhancing Strength Capacity

Multi-joint exercises such as presses pull, squats, and push-ups will improve your strength level by increasing the metabolic rate. These will activate muscle fibers and help in gaining muscle mass. During practice time, you have to lift heavy as fast as possible with fast-twitch muscles.

Deadlifts, squats, and bench-press tighten your legs and bottom part. In addition, it will give you the right balance. Bench-press is effective in building triceps, biceps, and chest. These exercises will provide you with a remarkable ability to do challenging and bulky tasks easily. You will be able to stay energetic all day and have a lively time.

3. Effective for Managing Blood Pressure

Physical exercises help to maintain blood pressure for a healthy lifestyle. BJJ provides many aerobic exercises that aids to lower blood pressure. If you are suffering from high blood pressure, then this martials workout is for you.

It can also pump up your body’s blood pressure via adrenaline. Daily training will lead you to a good conditioning by managing your blood pressure rate.

4. Reducing Fat

Who doesn’t dream of being lean? It’s proven that a BJJ athlete can burn approximately 500 calories through 30 minutes of hard rolling. This martial art lowers cholesterol levels and lessens your chance of getting fat gradually. Regular vigorous practice helps to enhance healthy HDL levels. By reducing cholesterol levels, it solves some high blood pressure problems.

5. Weight Loss

BJJ is an effective full-body exercise. At the starting time of the session, you will automatically cut a considerable amount of fat via continuous practice. So, you will definitely lose some weight. The difference will be noticed after a few months of your training. It helps to lessen fat from every part of your body, that’s why you will see change fairly soon.

In regular workout exercises, we have spent a lot of time on treadmill, cycling, and lifting-up, but in the case of Jiu-Jitsu, we just have to focus on the techniques and how we can defeat the opponent and attain a safe position. If you tired of lifting weights or running the treadmill regularly, then jiu-jitsu is might be your thing.

6. Maintaining Body Shape

Being fit and having a suitable lifestyle is everyone’s desire. BJJ will give you the perfect body shape with a healthy body. Squats, bench-press, lifting, grappling, joint locks, and many other techniques keep moving the body all the time. As it will burn a lot of fat from the first session, it can execute a highly active life along with physical fitness.

7. Improving Cardiovascular System

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu is a good cardio workout. It’s the best way to raise the heart rate and strengthen the heart muscles. An excellent working heart muscle is necessary for better body performance. For people who suffer from heart-related problems, it’s a great way to solve the problem naturally.

High blood pressure is the leading cause of many heart diseases. BJJ promotes the heart pump rate and increases heart strength bit by bit. When the fat amount decreases, it lowers blood pressure and allows your heart to pump correctly.

8. Closely Connected With MMA

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is relevant for MMA. It is one of the most widely-known combat sports which is based on several martial arts. If you think of learning MMA or conducting training, it will be a great addition as they are closely related to one another.

9. Self-protection

BJJ art is an excellent defense aspect compared to other martial arts. BBJ gives you a sense of handling the worst situation that may threaten your life. People are holding a misapprehension that striking will get success when two persons are in a physical quarrel, but that’s absolutely wrong. Boxing or karate have only the intention of protecting themselves by blowing their competitor. 

However, there is no involvement of striking in BJJ as boxing or hitting is not as effective as getting close to the opponent and controlling them. So, BJJ is a more efficient self-defense art than boxing, karate, or punching. Because only BJJ allows you to defeat your attacker without hurting them and yourself. Many law enforcement and military officers go through BJJ training programs for this reason.

10. Developing Courage

In these types of sports, you have to show a lot of courage. Because bravery and strong confidence levels can give you success against your opponent. When you execute with courage, everything is completely easy for you. You can handle anything easily as you have much confidence and belief in yourself.

11. Raising Mobility

Since during Jiu-Jitsu training you are always in motion, it will give you a quick and easy full-body mobility workout. The abundant movements in jiu-jitsu make the brain work fluently. It enhances the thinking ability and provides strong memorizing power. Whenever you come to the session, you can commit to memorizing every single detail of yours. BJJ will be able to give you a sharp memory with a fast working brain. This fantastic sport can also aid in the early response to any stimulus and give you good coordination.

12. Flexibility

BJJ improves flexibility as your body is placed in different directions and twisted or bent states. Great flexibility protects you from serious injuries and accidents.

Rolling on the mat enhances the joint and hip mobility and decreases body limitations.

BJJ for self-defense

Mental Benefits

1. Dealing with Depression or Anxiety

Jiu-Jitsu is a great way to relax throughout the day. When you fall into any type of unexpected or weird situation, you might panic. But this gentle and soft sport teaches you to handle all situations calmly without any fear. Endorphins and oxytocin allow us to fight with pressure and trigger positive moods.

Depression or anxiety is the worst part of anyone’s life. If you want to lead your life peacefully, you should get rid of these stresses. BJJ will improve your stress level and give you a subtle solution for all of your problems. Moreover, at your club or training center, you will make a lot of friends, which will drastically impact your mental and physical life. 

2. Patience

You have to try a lot to gain success during your rolls. It’s not an easy task of continuous dragging or pulling on each other’s collars. It takes a considerable time to get a black belt in your progression guard. So, you should maintain great patience and tolerance to survive in those situations.

BJJ trains you to attain success by working hard and establishing your own identity by doing something great. It’s not an easy process and can be time-consuming. Regular practice will raise your endurance and energy levels.

3. Critical Problem Solving

After starting your training session, you will find out that you can better understand situations and be able to solve challenging problems. This is not just a physical game. Mental stability is crucial to performing this combat sport. Critical thinking ability, confidence, patience, and calmness are the basis of this game.

Bit by bit, you become conscious of unexpected situations. You are also aware of the strategies that you can use for your opponent’s next move. This awesome grappling game makes you a critical problem solver.

4. Making New Friends

On your first day at the academy, you will make a lot of new friends. Daily training sessions bring people together and make them bond, as they spend a long time with each other going to different tournaments, attending training, belt progression, rolling on the mats together, etc.

People of any age or profession can take BJJ training if they like. They’re not required to participate in the tournaments. Merely coming and interacting with others while enjoying practice can also be a great way to know others.

BJJ exercise benefits


Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is not only a game or martial art but also a way of life. It’s not like other ordinary exercises. The BJJ academy is a huge get-together that will improve your social life.  BJJ practice will provide you with a disciplined and happy life. It’s a great combination of achieving a goal along with excellent benefits. Hope you have a fabulous time at your BJJ academy!


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Jiu-Jitsu Street is a community of fun loving and hard rolling BJJ enthusiasts. Born out of our passion for the gentle art, we have decided to create this blog and help you on your journey. Let’s grow and learn together on this never-ending journey. Oss!

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BJJ vs Krav Maga: The Best Comparison [2022]

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BJJ vs Krav Maga: Which one should you learn in 2021?

If you’re unsure whether you should learn BJJ or Krav Maga, then you’ve come to the right place. We can tell you that, by the end, we will have helped you get a better idea on both fighting styles.

We’ll discuss the history of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or BJJ and Krav Maga, basic rule differences between them, and belt system and progression differences as well. Also, we’ll focus on their training differences, equipment differences, and will explore which one is better for kids and women and for self-defense as well. So, without further ado, let’s dig into today’s discussion.

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The Differences between BJJ and Krav Maga 

In this section, we will walk you through the considerable differences between BJJ and Krav Maga, which clearly set them apart. To save up your time, we have only focused on the major distinctions and added them with bullet points below. 


In terms of principle, both BJJ and Krav Maga equally own quite distinct tenets. Whereas Krav Maga emphasizes targeting opponents’ weak points, BJJ emphasizes using the opponent’s body strength and weight against him. Both forms require fitness and flexibility to a certain extent, but BJJ is less concerned about the players’ size, weight, and strength. In fact, using BJJ techniques, an individual can take down nd submit a heavier or stronger untrained opponent, which is unlikely to happen by using Krav Maga techniques.


The fundamental techniques of BJJ are based on ground fighting and graplling – once a practitioner takes his or her opponent down to the ground, he or she would get on top of the opponent’s body and hold him or her so that the person can’t move. Gaining an advantageous position always comes first in the ‘position before submission‘ led fighting philosophy of BJJ. BJJ techniques are then based on an almost chess-like possibilities of moves to finish an opponent, whether for self-defense or in competition.

On the other hand, the Krav Maga techniques are inspired by a combination of Wrestling, Jiu-Jitsu, Wing Chun, and Boxing. It is said that Krav Maga has over 200 combat techniques. These are mostly – varieties of punches, kicks, and grappling techniques to zap the opponent’s weak points – eyes, temple, nose, jaw, ribs, joints of elbow, and knees, to name a few.


Again, the objectives of BJJ and Krav Maga have their fair share of differences because Krav Maga is just a self-defense system, whereas BJJ is more ‘pure’ and traditional martial art. The basic objective of BJJ is to teach its practitioners the art of taking the opponent down by disabling their arms and legs joints, later immobilize the opponent by by applying weight as well as well as grips and thereby gain control over the situation.

However, BJJ consists of only of techniques that only allow you to fight with a single opponent. Whereas, Krav Maga techniques will let you fight with multiple attackers. Its objective is to teach its practitioners the techniques of defending themselves amid life threatening situations. Its training includes lessons on using knives, handguns, and even long guns for both defensive and offensive purposes.

BJJ training


Talking about rules, Krav Maga involves no rigorous rules except for the general etiquette of a training center. It expects you to follow rules such as maintaining a dress code, paying attention to instructions, not disobeying your trainer, not bringing your own personal brawls here, and not intentionally harming your partner. If you are found to engage with any of them, you will be fired.

In addition to these, BJJ occupies a couple of serious rules concerning the game, like as you are only allowed to make a submission via chokeholds and joint locks, then when your opponent taps to stop, you have to release the submission; and such.

How Long Does It Take to Learn?

When you are aiming to learn only the basics, BJJ takes precisely a longer time than the time needed for learning the selective techniques of Krav Maga. For instance, when you have average fitness and attend training classes regularly, grasping the basics of Krav Maga would take only 4/5 months, whereas BJJ would take almost 1/2 years.  

Then again, when you are training for belts, e.g. black belt so to say the highest belt would require more or less 3 years of consistent training for Krav Maga. The time period would extend to 10 years, when you want to achieve the black belt in BJJ.


It is said that BJJ brings zero risks of injuries. Although, during your practice, you may get minor injuries along the way. Elbow, ankle, wrist, or knee sprain are pretty likely to take place. However, it’s quite obvious that Krav Maga comes with more risks since its training involves a range of fatal techniques along with injurious weapons. 

Yet, getting wounded during practice is rare as all Krav Maga training centers are quite aware of its possible risks and equip all necessary safety measures. Nevertheless, unforeseen accidents may cause joint sprains, bone fractures, and similar unfortunate injuries.

History of BJJ and Krav Maga 

Let us share with you a brief overview of the history of both art forms that we are now talking about. Interestingly, both BJJ and Krav Maga encloses very discrete yet interesting origin stories.

History of BJJ 

So the story goes like this, during the Feudal period a few sporty Japanese fellas refined grappling techniques into a game which later came to be known as Jiu-Jitsu. These techniques were next followed by another combat sport, known as judo. A boy named Carlos Gracie came to Japan to receive his training in Judo (BJJ vs Judo comparison) and upon completing his training, he returned to his land Brazil. 

Around 1920, Carlos Gracie and his brothers began to modify the rules and regulations of the sport to turn it handy for their weak physique. Since then by persisting a series of severe trials and changes of decades we get today’s Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. So, even though many do not acknowledge the Japanese root, technically we can’t really deny the lineage, right?

However, Mitsuyo Maeda was the athlete who initially introduced this form of art to the world and spread it across the board. Now, you might be wondering, how it came to America! It was again a descendant of the Gracie family and his name is Carley Gracie. Carley Gracie came over to America and established the Carley Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy in 1972. This is how BJJ made its way to America.

History of Krav Maga

The person who devised Krav Maga as a self-defense system was an Israeli martial artist, named Imi Lichtenfeld. He was an excellent gymnast as well as a boxer and wrestler since his early life. He literally put all of his skills together into this self-defense system to teach people to protect themselves in practical life-threatening situations.

Imi Lichtenfeld first taught this combat system to a few people of Bratislava during the time of the late 1930s. At that time, the fascist groups along with other anti-Semitic parties came to power and started to enact violence on Jewish people.

His initial purpose was to make the local Jewish people erudite enough to protect themselves from the armored Nazi militia. This way, Krav Maga propagated and spread around the world as time passed. Later in 1983, a few close students of Imi established the Krav Maga Association of America and the journey of Krav Maga found its path to America.

Belt System and Progression Differences

Belts connote a practitioner’s rank based upon the skills so far he or she has gained. To pursue the belt of the next level, a participant has to earn 3 to 4 stripes – depending on the principle of the art form you are following. BJJ and Krav Maga occupy different belt systems and progression. Check them out from below –

BJJ Belt System and Progression 

The belt system and its progression in BJJ start from white to blue, followed by purple, brown, black, and finally the final rank of the red belt. White is what anyone gets right after joining a BJJ training course.

However, kids between the ages of 4 and 15 are only allowed to get white belts and their progress rewards come in the form of belt stripes. Once they hit 16, they get the opportunity to achieve further belts. Yet, again to jump from one rank to another, each practitioner must receive 4 pieces of stripes on their current belt. 

Of these 6 progress indicating belts of BJJ, the blue one is SAID to be the most challenging to achieve. Next, the black one is considered to be the hardest, and of course, it’s needless to say the red one, so to say the ultimate one is the trickiest and toughest one to get. Reportedly, it takes about 20 years of a person’s consistent practice; indeed it requires one’s perseverance at its best!

Krav Maga Belt System and Progression

Krav Maga’s belt progression also comprises 6 belts, but the colors and the rank aligned to it are not the same as BJJ. The sequence goes like this – first yellow, then orange, green, blue, brown and lastly the most cherished black belt.

Although the black belt is not the highest in BJJ, it is in Krav Maga. Here, no specific belt is awarded upon joining, instead, it provides its first ever belt yellow after the successful completion of Level 1. Here, practitioners need to attain 4 pieces of stripes on their current belt to level up from one rank to another.

Consequently, as you complete up to level 5, that can only open your door to the highest rank with almost 200 plus potent defense moves. Approximately, achieving the black takes 3/4 years of consistent practice of a practitioner of any age. Here is one of the things you must note down that, there is no age limit attached to Krav Maga, so regardless of your age, you can achieve higher ranks through your own performances.

Mitsuyo Maeda

Class/Training Differences

Now, as you know that both of the forms are relatively different from each other, hence it is very obvious that they entail separate training processes and systems. Even technically both of them mandate different gears as their techniques, modules, and moves are also vastly different. For your better understanding of the training sessions, a comparison is drawn below with all the pertinent information that you might need to know before joining a course.

What Will Happen in the First Class?

First, you will have to sign up for the course you want to enroll in. The paperwork is roughly the same for all training centers, after that, as you walk through the door you’ll find your future fellows and instructors. 

A staff will accompany you to give a tour around the place and take you to your locker where you can hoard up your daily necessities. However, if you are there for Krav Maga training, then the staff will introduce you to the equipment and safety gear that you must need to purchase and carry in the upcoming classes.

Otherwise, if you are there for BJJ training, you really don’t really need a lot of safety gear except an elbow and knee pad. The thing that is most important in the first class of BJJ is you must select a partner from the class as all BJJ techniques require the involvement of two people.

The Teaching Process

The teaching process is clearly contrasting as you have already read BJJ techniques always require the involvement of two people, whereas Krav Maga initially teaches individually. At the beginning of BJJ training, instructors will demonstrate to you the actions to overpower your opponent.

You’ll have to repeat after them to grasp the techniques while doing them in a pair. Whereas, in the first phase of Krav Maga training, you will get to learn primary knacks and techniques of kicking, punching, boxing etc. Gradually, you will be taught to apply those fighting techniques to a partner. 

In both classes, drilling is the main process of how the practitioners will hone up their skills. And, the instructors will be there to facilitate their performance by correcting and fixing their wrong approaches or postures.

Dress Code

For BJJ classes, you need to get yourself  Gi of your own size. Gi is basically a uniform inspired by the Japanese Kimono that is specially designed for BJJ. It typically consists of a thick cotton jacket, a pair of drawstring trousers, and a belt referring to the practitioner’s rank.

On the other hand, for Krav Maga classes there is no specifically fixed dress code, but it best put on comfortable clothes. It could be gym shorts, sweat pants, yoga pants, a simple shirt, or cut off, anything that would let you move comfortably. 

Here, one thing you need to keep in mind for both cases – whether you are picking your Gi or the outfit for Krav Maga, make sure the dress is not that loose which is likely to fall off again and again. Also, the dress should not be that much of close-fitting which would make you suffocated or cause you extreme sweating.

Warm Up Style

Before starting your everyday workout, warming up is extremely beneficial as it prepares your muscles ready for the physical exercise you are about to perform. It truly reduces the possible risk of injury by improving your muscles’ blood flow and loosening your joints.

As BJJ and Krav Maga covers different styles of techniques, so according to their moving styles, their warm up styles are also poles apart. BJJ’s warm up styles mostly include running laps, forward and backward breakfall, push-ups, and shrimping.

Whereas with myriads varieties of moves, each class of Krav Maga, can ask you to perform different warm up exercises. Yet, mostly these are very common exercises like lunges push ups, sit-ups, or other weight-lifting exercises.

BJJ vs. Krav Maga Direct Comparison

We have organized this section with the pros and cons of the two art forms, BJJ and Krav Maga. Skim through it to identify their benefits and flaws on your own. Certainly, this will help to come to a decision on which one to pick.

BJJ Pros

  • Teaches you to defend yourself on and off the mat
  • Allows you to overpower opponents of heavier or stronger physique
  • Helps you in losing weight and to get you in a good shape 
  • Reinforces your stamina and boosts your confidence
  • Relieves your stress and fatigue 
  • Inspires you to follow a healthy lifestyle
  • Comparatively, inexpensive and perfect for people of all ages

BJJ Cons

  • Does not teach you to fight with multiple attackers
  • Does not teach you to defend yourself against armored opponents
  • Takes relatively more time to learn
  • Cannot be practice without a partner


Krav Maga Pros

  • Makes you prepared for real life street fights
  • Let you ace the floor against multiple attackers
  • Teaches you to wield weapons for both defensive and offensive purpose
  • Makes you competent to defend yourself in front of armored opponents
  • Encourages you to eat healthy food and follow a healthy lifestyle
  • Practicing of a wide range of techniques expands your flexibility
  • Attending each class burns tons of calories and helps you in losing weight
  • Apparently, builds muscle tone and fetches you a buff physique
  • Enhances your working spirit and improves your confidence

Krav Maga Cons

  • Relatively expensive as the training covers a large number of movements
  • Likely to occur accident even if you lose concentration for a sec
  • Can seem intimidating for people with weak hearts as it teaches real-life fighting techniques


Which is Better to Learn for Self-defense?

When it comes to self-defense, BJJ and Krav Maga are almost neck to neck. Both art forms have gone through several courses of development with self-defense in mind. Yet, the two share considerable distinctions that make them preferable for different stripes of learners. 

If you want to avoid any possibilities of physical harm and also budget is a concern for you, then BJJ is your call. Also, for those who are small in size, or happen to have lesser weight or strength, again for them BJJ is relatively the better art form to learn for self-defense. 

On the other hand, when you are rooting for grasping the basics of self-defense techniques within a short period of time, Krav Maga may be your next choice. Age is also not a factor for Krav Maga, just when you are ready to face real-life challenges along with the risk it carries, you can start over your training session. 

Even though both of the art forms will teach you basic self-defense to stand for yourself on and off the mats, yet BJJ is less likely to come in handy in street fights when your opponents are multiple and armed. Unlike BJJ, Krav Maga teaches its learners to wield weapons for both defensive and offensive purposes.

So, to sum it up, people with a weak physique or those who aim to master the self-defense program being on a cost-effective budget are better off with BJJ. Conversely, those who desire to learn all the defensive techniques quickly or want to ace the street fight scenarios should kick off their self-defense learning journey with Krav Maga.

BJJ vs. Krav Maga for Kids

One of the trending questions on the planet right now is – BJJ or Krav Maga, which one is the best for kids? To our best research and understanding, we have found that both of the art forms are excellent in their own way. Placing one over another is arbitrary and depends on individuals’ comfort and preference.

If you prefer the non-violent art form for your little one, BJJ should be your choice. Yet again, if you see your kid being an expert in wielding weapons like knives, swords, handguns, and long guns; you must go for Krav Maga training. Aside from that, if you want to train your kid for competition then you have to move forward with BJJ. Because, Krav Maga is only a self-defense system and has no competitive bouts, tournaments, or any sort of competitions happening around the world.

Perhaps you know that BJJ can also be chosen as a future career option where practitioners will have to take part in the competitions. Thousands of BJJ competitions are taking place every day across the world, and by participating in such BJJ competitions one gets the opportunity to make around $20,000 to $50,000 at a professional level.

So, if you want to open up this career opportunity for your kid while making him or her skilled in the self-defense system as well, BJJ is the sport you must choose. In opposition, if this is not your intention and you just want your kids to be capable of pulling off all possible assault or life-threatening situations all by themselves – that they may come across in their life ahead, then Krav Maga would be the best choice for you.  

BJJ or Krav Maga for Women

Women have always been the victim of bullies, physical and sexual assault, molestation, and a lot. This is high time women should giddy-up and dip their toes in self-defense to defend themselves from such iffy situations. In deciding which self-defense is better for women, we would emphasize on grappling techniques.

When you will be able to grapple your attacker, he will not get any chance to harm you. However, both BJJ and Krav Maga teaches grappling techniques, yet with BJJ you will be drilled in overpowering your opponent with a stronger physique.

This drill will come in handy if you ever happen to confront any sexual assault. Again, if you want to conquer the street fights as well where the attacker might be armed with harmful weapons, then you should enroll yourself for Krav Maga training.

Final Words

This article is dedicated to those who were in a dilemma whether to choose BJJ or Krav Maga to ace themselves in self-defense. For their convenience, we have broadly deliberated all the important aspects of BJJ and Krav Maga in this article. We can vouch that, reading this will help you decide. Both – BJJ and Krav Maga are cherished for decades to this modern time. So, whichever you choose, you are in luck.


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BJJ vs. Boxing for Self-Defense [2022]

BJJ vs Boxing for Self-Defense

BJJ vs Boxing for Self-Defense: Which one should you choose in 2021?

Learning martial arts is a great way to prepare yourself for situations that require self-defense. Boxing and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu involve different forms of techniques – the former incorporates fists in attacking or defending, whereas BJJ focuses on timing, leverage, angle, and pressure. BJJ is ground-based, and Boxing requires an entirely standing position. Both of these martial arts have their own advantages. So, it becomes a hard nut to crack to decide which one will be the most suitable for self-defense – BJJ or Boxing? Our analysis will give you some insights on which should be your pick for protecting yourself when the need arises!

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The Difference Between The Two 

Boxing was first witnessed in the Sumerian carvings, where a sculpture showed boxers and spectators. Known as the “noble art,” boxing is predominantly fist striking based. It is one of the most widely practiced martial arts in the world. You need to use your closed fists to attack an opponent. Boxing rules allow you to hit the opponent at any point starting from the forehead to the beltline. You will be able to acquire distance management skills by mastering boxing. 

On the contrary, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is dependent mostly on ground fighting techniques. Unlike Boxing that depends largely on striking, BJJ teaches you to grapple, which is very effective for self-defense. You will be able to defeat your enemies without seriously hurting them. You can take control of your opponents by taking them to the ground using strangulation or joint lock techniques.

boxing self-defense

Is BJJ Easier Than Boxing? 

It really gets tough to declare any of these two martial arts as easier to learn than the other. Your ability to grasp any of them depends on your preference and skills. 

People who prefer to fight standing in place will vote for Boxing. You only need your fists to focus on punching. While it is not a simple martial art, it involves lesser varieties of techniques compared to BJJ. 

Jiu-Jitsu will require you to implement multiple techniques for pulling your opponent to the ground. It gets quite difficult in BJJ to make your enemy submit as you have to estimate every tiny step of the opponent. However in a self-defense context, training BJJ for just 6 months can already equip you with the necessary to submit a stronger and untrained opponent.  You do not need to strike in Jiu-Jitsu but you will have to look for a wide range of things like – takedowns, different types of strangulations, throws, and many more. You will need to invest less time in learning Boxing than that of BJJ. 

Even starters can grasp Boxing techniques by means of regular practice for a couple of months. On the other hand, learning BJJ is not an easy goal to achieve. You need to train for more than two years to get your blue belt and around 10 years to achieve your black belt in Jiu-Jitsu, from a sportive perspective, that is. From this rough comparison, it appears that learning Boxing might be slightly easier than Jiu-Jitsu. However, both of them demand long term dedication and hard work.

bjj self-defense

Pros and Cons of Boxing and BJJ 

Training boxing will provide you with strength from legs and hips, which will enable you to throw punches. You will be able to hit your opponent without being hit in return. Your movement speed also needs to be increased to let yourself attack by predicting your opponent’s next moves. Learning boxing also has some drawbacks that keep you aloof from some necessary techniques. Boxing lessons will not teach you to grapple. If you have to encounter a sudden street fight, only using your fists will not be enough to defeat your opponent. You also do not learn how to throw kicks in boxing, which is a great deficiency when it comes to self-defense measures. Throwing kicks at certain moments of attack can be a lifesaver, but boxing does not make you learn this. In extreme cases, you might get your hand broken while hitting your opponent on the head. This has been the case even with some expert boxers where they have suffered from serious hand injuries. 

Though Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu does not rely on striking like Boxing, it makes you learn how to grapple, which gives you a big edge in cases when you have to face an instant fight. That you can defeat your opponent without hurting him/her is a huge plus of Jiu-Jitsu. Jiu-Jitsu helps you learn to use your arm as protection against any attacker. If you can keep an adequate distance from your opponent, then your opponent will not be able to hit you back, giving you enough room to force him to the ground. 

A major lacking in Jiu-Jitsu is that you do not learn striking, making you vulnerable to opponents at a close distance. It might not always be possible to keep a safe distance from your opponents. In cases like this, you will not be able to win by only defending yourself with your fists, making BJJ ineffective here. 

Given all these advantages and disadvantages of BJJ and Boxing, how can we decide the more effective martial arts form for self-defense?

boxing for self-defense

Better Self-Defense: BJJ or Boxing? 

After all the analyses and comparisons, it is still tough to take a side. We wish to declare Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu the winner in terms of self-defense. This is not to underestimate Boxing as a martial art by any means, but it is to make it clear that Boxing is most effective when it is taken as an arranged competition like environment where boxers remain prepared to face each other. Jiu-Jitsu works better in cases of impromptu fighting conditions. It is very common in street fights that your opponents use grappling to bring each other to the ground. 

When it comes to Boxing, the lack of grappling techniques will make you easy prey for your opponent. Jiu-Jitsu as a martial art came into existence with an aim to defend yourself from a potential attacker. Learning BJJ gives you the opportunity to curb the distance from your enemy and let yourself get rid of an attack from your opponent. A crucial point that makes Boxing lag behind Jiu-Jitsu in terms of self-defense is that boxers depend solely on fist strikes, and even an amateur can defeat you with reckless punching. Sudden fights mostly end up in the ground, and Jiu-Jitsu practitioners can make the most of such situations. There is no scope for inexperienced fighters to beat a blue belt in Jiu-Jitsu.

BJJ for self-defense

Bottom Line 

Both Boxing and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu are excellent martial art forms that have some specific benefits. The difference in techniques makes them suitable for different circumstances. Boxing is most effective when it is practiced as a form of competition, whereas BJJ gets the upper hand when a sudden conflicting situation arises. Our discussion announces BJJ is the more effective self-defense tool without undermining the usefulness of Boxing as a martial art. It is best if you can learn Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) techniques to protect yourself from unexpected attacks. For now, you can master the art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to make safety a priority to yourself.


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🥋 BJJ Gi vs Judo Gi 🥋 – Kimono Comparison [2022]

BJJ match

BJJ Gi vs Judo Gi – What are the differences? [Solved]

When you think about the Uniform for any martial art, the first thing that pops to mind is a white jacket with a black belt tied around the waist. That uniform that is used in Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, and even Karate and is called a Gi; but remember that not every Gi is the same.

Though they might seem similar to someone who is not affiliated with combat sports, there are many differences between the uniforms worn in these different martial arts. Today, we are going to talk more about the differences between the Gi used in Judo and BJJ. 

Therefore, if you are in the market for a new Gi, and can’t understand which is better, this article will definitely help you out.

So, let’s get to it.

Quick one: We also have an article if you are interested in learning more about the difference between BJJ and Judo in general

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How is a BJJ Gi different from a Judo Gi?


When it comes to BJJ and Judo Gis, there are a few key differences that you should know about. First of all, Judo Gis have baggier sleeves, which open up a lot of opportunities for grips that offer wrist control. Secondly, Judo Gis have a longer skirt than BJJ Gis. Judo Gis usually have thicker lapels and collars. 

In contrast, the Gis used in BJJ have tighter cuffs, which make it more challenging to execute certain techniques. Moreover, the skirt of the jacket is shorter. Overall, BJJ Gis are lighter and more flexible.


When it comes to material, there isn’t that much of a difference between Judo and BJJ Gis, both are made using similar materials. High-end Gis, whether BJJ or Jiu-Jitsu, are made from durable cotton, which makes them more breathable, and easier on the skin.

Synthetic materials like polyester and nylon are also used to make Gis, and where these Gis are more durable, they can’t be as comfortable as cotton. Moreover, when your opponent pulls on your collar or lapel, you are much more likely to get Gi burn. 

Double weave cotton weaves are quite durable and airy, but they can get a little heavy, and expensive. Synthetic Gis come in different types of weaves including honeycomb and pearl. They are usually quite durable and lightweight. 


The weight of the Gi is another important factor, and usually, Judo Gis tend to be heavier, however, a cheap Judo Gi might be similar in weight and material thickness to a BJJ Gi. 

On average, a “competition legal” BJJ Gi weigh less than 2 kgs, whereas Judo Gis can be double that in weight because of the thicker weave, and heavier collars, cuffs and lapels.


Judo and Jiu-Jitsu Gis are quite different. In competition,  the cut and weight of the Gi play an important role. A Judo Gi will be legal in a BJJ tournament that follows IBJJF rules, assuming it is the correct size. When it comes to cut, apart from the baggier sleeves and longer skirts, Judo Gis also tend to have thicker material for the collars, cuffs and lapels.

BJJ Judo Takedown

Can you wear a Judo Gi for BJJ?

The straight answer is yes, whether you are training or in competition, you can wear a Judo Gi for BJJ, and doing it has both its advantages and disadvantages. 

For instance, If you like to do Ezekiel chokes, then baggy sleeves come in handy, similarly, If you like to do the ‘garotte’ choke with your own lapel, then having a longer lapel is great. However, baggier sleeves and longer lapels give your opponent more opportunities to get better grips. However, if you hate it when your sparring partners start playing worm guard or spider guard, having a shorter lapel might be better because they are harder to grab onto. 

Though a Judo Gi will be legal in a BJJ tournament that follows IBJJF rules, assuming it is the correct size. Most people would not choose to wear one. Apart from the technical reasons mentioned above, weight is also a concern. Judo Gis are heavier, and though some tournaments may allow athletes to weigh in without their gi, in IBJJF and other compliant promotions, you have to weigh in right before you step on the mat, and a heavier gi could easily add a couple of pounds to your weight. 

Can you wear a BJJ Gi for Judo?

Though Judo Gis are legal in BJJ tournaments,  it doesn’t go the other way around. BJJ Gis aren’t legal in Judo competition, however as far as training is concerned, you could use them, but keep in mind that you may get some complaints from your sparring partner. 

Judo focuses a lot on throws, and trips that require strong grips on the opponent’s Gi, therefore, tighter and smaller BJJ Gis that don’t offer that good of a grip are not allowed in Judo competition, or even in a Judo class sometimes.

Fuji - Submit Everyone Jiu-Jitsu Gi

Does Gi Color Matter?

The color of your Gi can also make a lot of difference, though it isn’t much of a concern in BJJ, in Judo, you need to wear specific colors, both for competition and training. Judo Gis are usually either white or blue, especially during competition. On the other hand, there are loads of different colors in BJJ that are widely accepted, even in some tournaments. 

However, individual clubs do have their own rules of what’s allowed and what’s not. Some clubs that like to follow the tradition of the martial arts more seriously, may limit you to the standard color Gis for training, both in Judo and BJJ. 

In BJJ, you can also add patches to your Gi, both of your individual clubs, and sponsors. Actually, there is a long-standing joke that BJJ Gis look like they belong to NASCAR because of all the branding and patches on them.

In short, if you are buying your first Gi, it’s better to stick with the colors that you know are accepted everywhere, white and blue for Judo, and white, blue, or black for BJJ. It is also good to consult your club first, because some of them, the Gracie clubs, have their own Gis that they require their students to wear. 

How much does a BJJ Gi cost?

If you are buying for a BJJ Gi for the first time, it can be a little overwhelming. There are loads of different Gi brands, and styles that are available at different price ranges. In general, a BJJ Gi can cost somewhere between $50 to $200.

Check our guide on the best BJJ Gi to see what Gis are out there on the market

The cost of any Gi depends upon the material, the weave, its style, durability, and the brand. Extra features like anti-odor protection also cost extra. Typically, you can get a light Gi for less than $100, even as little as $40 sometimes, hybrid Gis go for around $150, whereas high-end competition Gis can also go over $200. 

Since there is a lot of freedom for design and styles with BJJ Gis, some limited edition Gis can be even more expensive. 

How much does a Judo Gi Cost?

Typically, Judo Gis are more expensive than BJJ Gis, mainly because they are mostly made from double-weave cotton, and more material is used. Still, you can get inexpensive Judo Gis as well, sometimes for as little as $50 to $70. 

We have also written a review on the best Judo Gi for beginners here. Check it out to learn more about brands and more details.

However, if you are buying a premium Competition Gi, it can set you back about $200. Still, that is perhaps the biggest investment for training Judo. The clubs are usually relatively inexpensive, and so are the tournaments.

judo beginner gis

How to get the right size BJJ Gi?

If you want a BJJ Gi to fit, you need to get the right size, however instead of small, medium and large, the sizes for Gis can be a little different, here is a size chart for selecting a BJJ Gi depending on your height and weight. 


Height Range

Weight Range


5ft 4” – 5ft 7”

60 – 65kg


5ft 7” – 5ft 9”

65 – 72kg


5ft 11” – 6ft

65 – 72kg


5ft 8” – 6ft

72 – 82kg


5ft 11” – 6ft 2”

72 – 82kg


6ft 1” – 6ft 3

82 – 95kg


6ft 3” – 6ft 4”

82 – 95kg


6ft 1” – 6ft 4”

95 – 120kg


How to get the right size Judo Gi?

The sizing chart for Judo Gis is different, here it is. 



Weight Range


4ft – 4ft3″

40-60 lbs.


4ft4″ – 4ft5″ 

60-85 lbs.


4ft6″ – 4ft8″ 

85-100 lbs.


4ft9″ – 5ft1″ 

100-125 lbs.


5ft2″ – 5ft5″ 

125-150 lbs.


5ft6″ – 5ft10″ 

150-185 lbs.


5ft11 – 6ft 

185-210 lbs.


6ft1″ – 6ft3″ 

210-250 lbs.


6ft4″ – 6ft7″

250-280 lbs.


6ft8″ – 6ft11″

280-325 lbs


Final Thoughts

So, in conclusion, Judo and BJJ Gis are quite different, even though they may look similar. If you’re looking for a Gi, I hope this post helps you out.


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Jiu-Jitsu Street is a community of fun loving and hard rolling BJJ enthusiasts. Born out of our passion for the gentle art, we have decided to create this blog and help you on your journey. Let’s grow and learn together on this never-ending journey. Oss!

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Gi vs No-Gi BJJ: Top 6 Things You Need to Know [2022]

Nogi vs GI BJJ

Gi vs No Gi BJJ: The Great Debate (Solved!)

In the world of BJJ, one of the most common and classic debates is Gi or NoGi. 

If you’re a BJJ practitioner then you know how heated this debate can get. Though neither is better than the other in my opinion, you can see that both have their distinct pros and cons

In general, there are very different opinions about this matter in different schools. Some experts say that Gi is better, and more practical for self defense, and you can do all the Gi based techniques as well, whereas on the other hand, some say that No-Gi is better because it is more practical, and allows for an easier transition into MMA

Either way, you should be able to form your own opinions, and to help you with that, today, I am going to try and answer all your burning questions about the Gi vs No-Gi debate.

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What is the difference between Gi and No-Gi BJJ?

To start off, the obvious difference between Gi and No-Gi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is the clothing aspect. Gi Jiu-Jitsu is done in a traditional Gi, which is used to perform various techniques. Moreover, grabbing the Gi for leverage and control is allowed which really changes up the game. 

On the other hand, No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu is done without a traditional Gi, and grabbing your opponent’s clothes is not allowed. In NoGi grappling. Most people wear a rash guard and shorts.

However, there are many other differences between Gi and No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu, which are further explained below. 

Training Differences

Apart from the obvious difference in clothing, the training for Gi and No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu can also be different. Generally, No-Gi training is much more paced, because controlling each other is more difficult. Unlike Gi Jiu-Jitsu where you can grab the lapel of your opponent’s Gi, and use other Gi-based grips to control your opponent. 

In addition to the speed aspect, there are also several techniques that are specific to each form of training. For instance, in Gi Jiu-Jitsu, there are many submissions that can be executed using your training partners Gi, and such submissions are not possible in No-Gi

On the other hand, while training without a Gi, there is a larger focus in wrestling, and pulling guard isn’t that common, since it is more difficult to control a person from the bottom when you don’t have the Gi to grip on. 

Technical Differences

You’ve probably heard that BJJ allows smaller and weaker fighters to subdue larger and physically stronger opponents. Well, this is more true for Gi than No-Gi. When you are training or competing in Gi, controlling heavier opponents becomes easier, because of the grips that can be done with the Gi allows for more leverage points and more submissions. 

Conversely, in No-Gi, strength, and size plates are a very important part, because controlling them becomes more challenging. Furthermore, finishing submission in No-Gi is also more challenging even from dominant positions. Where you would be completely comfortable with a heavier opponent in your guard if they were wearing a Gi, it isn’t the same in No-Gi. It can even be more challenging to finish submissions from the mount when training in No-Gi. 

Rule Differences

When it comes to competition, the rules for Gi and No-Gi are also a bit different. For instance, in IBJJF tournaments, heel hooks, and knee bars are banned, whereas in No-Gi tournaments like ADCC, they are allowed.

In general, the rules for Gi competition are usually more strict, and there are many things that you need to avoid, therefore, it is always better to go over the rules again before competing.

BJJ Grappling

Is Gi or No-Gi BJJ better for self-defense?

Now let’s get to perhaps the most heated question in this Gi vs No-Gi debate, that is, which is better for self-defense. Well, though most people say that Gi is more practical for self-defense, I believe that training in No-Gi translates slightly better to a self-defense situation.

However, training in a Gi also has its advantages, the person you are trying to control in a self-defense situation is probably going to be wearing clothes, if you live in an area with cooler weathers, they are probably going to be wearing a jacket as well, and many grips that can be done on a Gi can also be done on any other Jacket (check out our review of the Best BJJ Gi in case you’re looking for a new on). Moreover, even if the aggressor is only wearing a t-shirt, even that can be used for control and submissions like the Ezekiel choke or baseball bat choke. 

Still, the problem is that when people train with a Gi all the time, with other trained opponents, it becomes difficult to gauge the sporadic attacks of an untrained aggressor. This is where No-Gi is better, because you have trained at a higher pace, and perfected techniques that rent dependent on the clothing of your opponent.  

So in conclusion, Both Gi and No-Gi can be helpful in self-defense, where training with Gi gives you better control techniques, No-Gi creates a better fundamental understanding of combat. If you are training Jiu-Jitsu for self-defense, you should do both Gi and No-Gi

No-Gi vs Gi for MMA – Which one is better?

When it comes to MMA, there is no doubt that No-Gi is the way to go. An MMA fight is going to be high-paced, and your opponent won’t be wearing a shirt that you can use for grips. 

Moreover, in Gi Jiu-Jitsu, it is very common for fighters to pull guard in competition, because it is such a strong position with the grips the Gi provides, However when it comes to MMA, pulling guard is probably the worst idea because you are going to be berated with ground and pound from the top. 

In No-Gi, the guard isn’t as strong of a position, therefore, most competitors pay more attention to wrestling and takedowns, which translates better to MMA. 

Take Damien Maia for instance, he is a fifth-degree Black belt in BJJ and an undeniable legend of the sport, however, he frequently has difficulty taking opponents down, especially if they are good at wrestling. This doesn’t allow Maia to use his superior skills in MMA fights. This is very visible in the Kamaru Usman vs Damien Maia Fight back in 2018. Similarly, Brian Ortega, who is also a traditional BJJ practitioner, had a lot of trouble taking down Max Holloway in their fight. 

This is because in traditional Jiu-Jitsu, with a Gi, there isn’t that much of a focus on Wrestling. On the other hand, BJJ systems the 10th planet, which focus on No-Gi, have MMA fighters like Tony Ferguson, who uses his Jiu-Jitsu very effectively. 

Therefore, if you are training Jiu-Jitsu as a part of your MMA training, you should focus more on No-Gi. There is also loads of gear, like the best MMA shorts for kicking, the best MMA gloves for training or the best MMA gloves for grappling which can take your training to the next level.

Gi vs Nogi BJJ for Beginners – Which one should you learn?

Whether you are a beginner or have been training BJJ for some time, no one can definitively say that one form of training is better than the other. Both Gi and No-Gi are great for a beginner, and both have their advantages. 

The decision to choose Gi or No-Gi as a permanent method of training should depend largely on your future goals, if you want to be an MMA fighter, you should focus more on No-Gi, whereas if you want to become a high-level Jiu-Jitsu competitor, No-Gi may be better for you. 

However, the problem is that most beginners don’t really have an idea about their goals. Therefore I suggest that you should start with Gi because it is better for developing the fundamentals. In No-Gi, you can slip out of a bad position, whereas in Gi, you really have to work the technique and get the fundamentals down to escape bad positions and move to a better one. Training in a Gi also develops patience and allows you to strengthen your mental capacity for grappling. 

Still, any beginner should try No-Gi once a week as well. Even one of the greatest grapplers in the world right now, who is known to even live in his Gi, has said that he trains No-Gi at least once a week. 

Training in a Gi allows you to build technique, and No-Gi allows you to build speed and agility. Gi Jiu-Jitsu will teach you how to be patient and composed when facing an opponent, whereas No-Gi will help you develop lightning-fast decision-making skills in combat situations.

Does Gi BJJ translate to No-Gi?

Whether you are training in a Gi or without one, it will improve your overall skills as a Jiu-Jitsu practitioner. However, when it comes to moving from one form of BJJ to the other, I believe that No-Gi translates better to Gi, rather than the other way around. 

There are many high-level Gi practitioners that don’t know how to grip their hands properly in No-Gi because they always use grips on the Gi. Moreover, they find it difficult to take down opponents when they are training without a Gi. 

On the other hand, when No-Gi practitioners move to the Gi, they can use the bulk of their skills without any problems. They are more agile and fast, however, they also have to face problems because of the grips their opponents may use.

Does No-Gi BJJ help Gi?

Yes, Both Gi and No-Gi can help in improving your skills, and training No-Gi especially improves your grappling in the Gi. 

It makes you quicker and allows you to become a better wrestler so that you don’t have to pull guard or try to pass your opponent’s guard in every fight. 

Training without a Gi also makes you better at self-defense. 

Final Thoughts

So, I believe that both forms of BJJ, whether it is in the Gi, or without it are very useful, and instead of getting into the debate of which one is better, you should try both for a while, and simply choose the one that is more fun for you.

Because above everything else, it is very important to have fun while training Jiu-Jitsu, especially when you are just starting out. After you have trained for a while, and know your goals, you can start favoring one over the other, depending on how you want to progress and compete.


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