How Often Should I Train Jiu-Jitsu? The Correct Answer!

How Often Should I Train Jiu-Jitsu? (Solved!)

BJJ or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a great form of martial arts and one of the best ways to relieve yourself of stress. However, like every other thing in this world, BJJ requires some sort of schedule and continuity, otherwise the training will seem to be no short of a burden. 

When beginner trainees join the group sessions, they think that they’ll train every day, and they’ll improve to a godlike level in a matter of months or a year at max. The reality is often disappointing, and sadly we can’t say otherwise in this case as well.

The amazing thing about BJJ training is that it’s enjoyable. The more we train as beginners, the more confident we get. At some point, our ego comes into play, and we feel the urge of reaching a certain level. 

This is the reason why most people end up overtraining themselves, which results in diminishing returns. The key here is finding the sweet spot. “how often should I train Jiu-jitsu then?” You might ask. I wish I could tell you a simple answer. 

You’ll find a lot of answers such as, “Two days a week is enough!” But the thing is, there are different schedules for attaining different results. Here, we’ll talk about that in detail.


Different Training Frequencies for BJJ Training and the Expected Result

“How often should I train Jiu-Jitsu?” if that’s the question you’re asking yourself, you’re taking the wrong approach. The correct approach would be asking yourself what your aim is. If you’re a beginner and you want to attain a certain level that’s close to your current skill set, there’s one frequency, and if you’re an intermediate who wants to hold onto the skills he has, you must follow a different training method. 

Let’s find out the answer to “how often should I train Jiu-Jitsu?” below:


1 Day a Week

Training a day a week will make your improvement process very slow, and for most people, it may result in diminishing returns. However, if you’re on a tight schedule and have a lot of things going on around, you should consider spending at least a day, rather than not training at all

If you’re training once a week, don’t even think of doing better than the people who train more than you. This is irrational thinking, and it may lead to frustration. 

Plus, training once a week doesn’t provide enough opportunities for remembering everything you learn. So, you should try to review what you learn once in a while.

2 Days a Week

If you’re a complete beginner, training twice a week might be the most viable schedule for you. Training twice provides the opportunities you need to remember and learn the skills you want to master, and it will not burn you out. 

However, the learning curve will still be very steep. You’ll take a lot of time to learn and master old tricks, so you won’t have much of a time for learning anything new. 

Still, if you’re only starting, you can start with two days, as you get used to training more than that.

3 Days a Week

Most people consider training thrice a week to be the perfect schedule. If you train three days a week, you can not only learn new techniques, but you can master and improvise the ones you already know, and you can do so with lesser stress.

If you start training three times a week instead of two, you’ll start noticing a lot of differences. For starters, you’ll see that your muscle memory is coming into play. Before you even notice it, your body will move to the appropriate positions, perform the perfect rolls, and the technique that’s perfect for that time. 

However, if you train three times a week, you’ll notice that you’re burning out. In such a case, you won’t be able to focus on other physical activities that much, and you may feel exhausted if you do so.

4 Days a Week

Are you looking forward to competing? If the answer is yes, you can opt for training 4 days a week. Even if you don’t want to compete, and if BJJ is your only hobby and only focus, you may consider training 4 days a week. 

However, if you have little to no athletic background, you shouldn’t’ train 4 days a week. If you do so, it will exert a huge level of stress on you, and you won’t be able to cope up with it. It not only will exhaust you, but it may lead to physical injuries as well.

If you’ve trained BJJ for 2-3 days a week for at least a year, and if you’re confident that you can take the stress, you can practice 4 times a week. However, you may have to minimize any other physical activities, or not perform them at all, as the training will wear you out.

5 or More Days a Week

If you train 5 or more days a week, it may result in diminishing results for you. If you’re a beginner, it will completely wear you out and will injure you, and even if you’re an expert, you should think twice before committing to sessions of 5 days or more.

Rushing into this will not help at all it may end up harming you permanently. So, we advise you not to train for 5 days or more than that a week.

Recognizing Overtraining and Avoiding it

If you overtrain, you might suffer from a weaker immune system. For example, a few of the practicioners have reported that they suffered from general conditions such as a sore throat, weak legs, or a running nose when they overtrained, for no other reason. 

If you see any of the following symptoms without any apparent reason, you might be overtraining: 

  • Performance drop
  • Headache
  • Irritability
  • Pain in the joints 
  • Muscle ache
  • Fatigue
  • Common cold

If you see any of these symptoms, you are probably overtraining, and you should take steps to fix your schedule. The first thing you should do is to stop training at least for a week. You have to rest until you feel you’ve recovered. 

Plus, if you feel that you’ve overtrained, chances are high that you’ve drained yourself and you might suffer from dehydration. To avoid this you should take a lot of water. Plus, we highly recommend you maintain a balanced diet, which will provide the necessary nutrients. 

If you take the aforementioned steps, you’ll be able to overcome overtraining without any fuss. Overtraining results in nothing but diminishing returns, but there isn’t any definite limit. Different people have different limits, and you should find out how much you can push yourself. 

Another thing is that your limit increases with your training. If you can train for four days a week at maximum, doesn’t mean that it’ll be the same after a few years of training.

The Longer You Train, The Better You Get

If you want to get better at it, you need to keep at it for a long time. It does matter how frequently you train, but what matters more is how consistently you’re doing it. If you take breaks now and then, you might not improve that much. 

If you see that you can’t keep up a consistent pace of training by training 4 days a week, and you have to take occasional breaks, you should reduce the frequency. Rather, if you train consistently for two months by training 2 days a week, you’ll improve much more. 

That’s why we urge you to find the sweet spot for yourself. Once you do that, work hard on that, and you’ll certainly improve.

Can’t Get Better No Matter How Hard You Try?

There are times when we all feel like hitting a concrete wall, that no matter how hard we try, we can’t seem to push through it. And trust me, it’s equally true for every kind of sport and art, not only BJJ. 

In such cases, consistency and patience is the only way to push through. If you hit such a wall, keep working at it even if you aren’t improving, change the approach of your training, and slowly you’ll be able to grasp it. 

A lot of practicioners get frustrated when they hit such a wall but think in such a way. Everyone faces it, and it’s only natural to do so. Instead, keep on trying for developing yourself. 

Final Thoughts

Hopefully, by now you’ve understood that there’s no direct answer to the question “how often should I train Jiu-jitsu?” It all depends on how much you want to improve, which level you want to reach, and what your plan is about BJJ. 

We wish you all the luck, and we hope that you’ll be able to find out the perfect schedule for yourself. Enjoy the journey! Ossssss.


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Jiu-Jitsu Street is a community of fun loving and hard rolling BJJ enthusiasts. Born out of our passion for the gentle art, we have decided to create this blog and help you on your journey. Let’s grow and learn together on this never-ending journey. Oss!

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How Long Does it Take to Get Cauliflower Ear from BJJ?

How Long Does it Take to Get Cauliflower Ear from BJJ?

In addition to skin infection, nothing can affect you more than a cauliflower ear. Although not everyone will get it and even if some of them do, the period of formation will be different

Before we tell you how long it takes to get a cauliflower ear from BJJ, you must know the causes behind it. This will help you understand the process better.

And if the below worries you, maybe it’s time to also start wearing ear guards during training, especially the rolls. We also have a review on the best ear guards for BJJ.

Table of Contents

Roots of the Issue

In BJJ, the ear is one of the most common places that endures rough contacts and strikes. Your opponent will grab you, pull on you, and consequently will smash your ears up here and there. 

So, when the ear is struck, it suffers a trauma. And this causes a separation of ear perichondrium that covers the auricular cartilage. After the split-up, the new space gets filled with blood prompting it to harden and eventually causing the thickened pattern to form. 

Basically, blood in the ears has no escape, unlike normal bruises where clotted fluid can leak out. As a result, such clots swell, harden, and lead to deformity. 

Since the deformation looks like the head of cauliflower, we call the condition cauliflower ear. Besides, it has a medical term that we call auricular hematoma. 

Grappling Causes

Any kind of grappling can result in ear trauma. The most common ones include BJJ, Judo, and Sambo. All of these involve the use of locks, pins, and holds that cause trauma to the ear. Besides common moves like shoulder pressure, triangles, guillotines, headlocks, and cross faces can also be the cause of trauma.

Duration of Cauliflower Ears

Different people have experienced the condition within a different span of time. Some have got it within a few weeks while some got it within 3 to 6 months of frequent ear strikes in BJJ. So, it mostly depends on your body genetics and frequency & force level of strikes.

On average, it may take around 7 to 10 days after blood develops in the separated area to make the ear get hardened. If you remove the fluid before the time or while in a liquid condition, then you can easily prevent cauliflower formation. One of the common treatments is draining which certainly should be done by a physician. 

But once it’s hard, the removal becomes tougher, so it will require you to go through surgical treatment for the job. 

Consequences if untreated

Hardened Cauliflower Ear can lead to other severe conditions. Deformation and pain are the most common ones. The ache will be there while you roll and even while you don’t. Such pain can result in staying awake all night. 

Besides, the cauliflower ear can also cause loss of hearing. You won’t be able to use headphones because of both pain and listening inability. 

Final Thoughts

We know that the formation story of the cauliflower ear is not very appealing. But before the matter becomes serious, you should know both the cause and duration of its occurrence. This will help you take the necessary precautions on time so that you don’t suffer other severe damages. 


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Jiu-Jitsu Street is a community of fun loving and hard rolling BJJ enthusiasts. Born out of our passion for the gentle art, we have decided to create this blog and help you on your journey. Let’s grow and learn together on this never-ending journey. Oss!

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How to Avoid Cauliflower Ear in BJJ

How to Avoid Cauliflower Ears for BJJ Practitioners

Cauliflower ear is quite common in grappling sports like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. It happens when the auricle or pinna (outer part of the ear) is struck prompting connective tissue within the perichondrium of the ear to separate from underlying cartilages. As a result, small blood vessels in this area start to bleed which causes the area to swell and eventually get deformed. 

There are many ways through which you can avoid cauliflower ears in BJJ. Here you will find 3 of them. 

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Instant Trick 

The best free of cost method to avoid cauliflower ear is being aware of your body as well as of your opponent’s body positioning. Not everyone faces certain conditions in BJJ since it depends on your body genetics, your wrestling style, and your training partner. So, make sure you work on your awareness at very first. 

Moreover, you should also try to avoid grinding your ears on the mat during escapes. Plus, make sure to avoid slamming your head into people during takedown. These measures can effectively help you avoid cauliflower ear to a great extent or at least reduce it.

Headgear (Ear Guards)

A pair of ear-guards only has one intent and that is the prevention of cauliflower ear. They will efficiently keep your ears from the straight shearing forces that cause the hematoma to develop. If you are doing BBJ for recreational purposes or if your professor doesn’t mind, then wearing such headgear would work great. 

Note that the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation and many other related BJJ matches organizations don’t allow headgear use during competitions. So, you also have to check that. 

However, back to the gear! It’s very effective. Many grapplers avoid buying a headgear simply because it doesn’t look appealing. But, don’t let this affect your decision if you don’t want to face such a condition.

We have done some research on ear guards here and written a review on the best ear guards that are currently out there.

The Personalized Option

There are also innovative concepts like custom molded ear splints that you can give a try. Basically, they will let you make a mold of your ears prior to getting cauliflower ear. And since they will be molded, you will find them delivering even pressure providing you with the needed comfort. Although it’s the success rate is not determined but at least it will avoid the ears from getting smashed to some extent. You can remove them easily and reapply them accurately.


These tips and tricks are known to be a great way to avoid the cauliflower ear by BJJ players and experts. But you must know that they won’t be 100 perfect effective but they will certainly help. I Hope, this helps address some of your questions and concerns.


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Jiu-Jitsu Street is a community of fun loving and hard rolling BJJ enthusiasts. Born out of our passion for the gentle art, we have decided to create this blog and help you on your journey. Let’s grow and learn together on this never-ending journey. Oss!

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5 Best BJJ Gi Brands – The Ultimate Overview

Best BJJ Gi Brands – The Ultimate Overview

With the increasing popularity of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, there’s been quite an uptake in the number of companies that are involved in the production of this sportswear. Buying any sportswear without getting to use it first is harder, and for a sports form such as the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, it’s even harder. You have your run of the mill standard requirements of size and fitting. Additionally, this martial art form, like many others, deems that other features of your Gi can play a huge role in how you perform on the mats. Truthfully, while the opinion on the best Gis vary based on personal preference, there are many brands that have established a clear dominance in the market as what customers consider to be the best out there.

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Our List of the Best BJJ Gi Brands

Because it’s so tough to put a finger on the best Gis available, knowing the names of trusted brands can help you in making your purchase. The performance and quality of a Gi are usually dominated by the material with which it is made. A lightweight Gi ensures that you can move around freely as opposed to heavier ones. Along with being lightweight, a good Gi must be strongly built. Their design and manufacture should be done, keeping in mind the extreme conditions that they’re exposed to. You don’t want anything that can easily tear during a fight. 

Your preference for a BJJ kit will be greatly influenced by its material, durability, cost, and design. Making a choice can be very overwhelming as Gis come in multiple colors, styles, and weaves based on the different professional or amateur level requirements. To make your journey in buying a good Gi as easy as possible, here is a comprehensive list of the best Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Gi brands available worldwide: 


Scramble is a company heavily experienced in garment making. All their equipment is reputed to be of superb quality. They have remarkable products in their Fightwear collection. Years of making excellent Jiu-Jitsu Gis have put the company on the map. 

The brand aims to combine their experience and style to produce Gis that stands out. All their gears have a distinctive look about them. Made of quality materials, they serve a long, functional life. Exceptional fit and design seem to be a Scramble trademark. An attribute evident in all of their lines. A snug fit is combined with superior comfort. Be it lightweight, budget-friendly, or special Gis; Scramble features them all. 

Brilliant strength to weight ratio can be found in every Gi. Strong in all the right places, any Scramble kimono can Give all its competitors a run for their money. An IBJJF certification speaks for the brand’s quality assurance. Perfect for any competition. The company is also known for their Gis with patented anti-odor and antimicrobial property. Having a fabric that is breathable lets you wear your gear for hours without feeling any discomfort. 

Available in a range of options at very reasonable prices, you can never go wrong with any Scramble product. 


Though of French oriGin, this company has grown to be one of the biggest martial arts equipment manufacturing powerhouses since its founding in 2004. The brand has a significant amount of experience in making exceptional Jiu-Jitsu gears. Their collection covers all types of Gis that are required for sparring or tournaments. 

The fightwear company is famous for its strateGic application of futuristic innovations in design. They are resilient in trying to improve. As a result, they constantly focus on bettering their Gi lines. Venum takes style and functionality to a whole new level. Emphasis on material choice Gives their Gis superior quality. They are moisture-wicking, well-fitted, and very comfortable. 

In the Venum Gis, aesthetics and functionality reach a seamless unification. Design reinforcements in the sleeves, shoulders, and trousers; areas which endure most force; Give the Gis extra strength. 

When it comes to style, the brand is known for their signature edgy look. Attractive design and color combination appeals to users, making Venum a force in the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu world. 


When you look at any Kingz Gi, the first thing you may notice is their fine craftsmanship. The brand has always managed to deliver when it comes to durability and build. Remarkable construction comes hand in hand with the Gis ability to withstand forces that can cause it to tear. 

Exceptional crafting and premium construction has made Kingz a very popular and well-known brand. This also makes their Gis perfect for professional competitions. Many top athletes in the Jiu-Jitsu community are known to prefer Kingz kimonos. They have bold colors, which, when combined with their Gi designs and embroidery, have a very appealing look. Multiple styles offer customers the choice of picking out any Gi that fits their look. 

Light in weight with special weaving makes every Kingz Gi super comfortable to wear. Special reinforcements in the jacket and pants, such as making them harder to grip, ensures that all kimonos are optimum for training situations or tournaments. On the offside, the Gis tend to be a little heavy on the wallet. But if you’re willing to spend money on a product that lasts you a long time, you want to take a look at what Kingz has to offer. 


Founded in 2006, Hayabusa is known for making Gi gears that have ranked amongst the all-time bests. The company has always produced exceptional gears. 

Their collection of Gis stands out for their superior class. A beautiful mix of fabric choice and high-quality weave Gives the Gi material its lightweight and sturdiness. Athletes of all types favor Hayabusa when prioritizing durability and performance. Even though many of their products may seem to be in the pricey end, when you find out the effort the company puts in each design, it will seem completely justified. Who wouldn’t pay a bit more money if the quality of a product came so highly recommended?

With such emphasis on quality, Hayabusa has become a trusted brand for beGinners and professionals. Their Gis can serve all-rounder purposes while being perfectly suitable for tournaments. Soft yet strong material makes each Gi comfortable whilst having the strength to undergo heavy wear and tear. 


Sanabul Gis are perfect for the beGinners to even the most seasoned experts. The brand is most popular for its amazing ability to produce high-end Gis for a very reasonable price. For anyone looking for a budget Gi, or not willing to spend a lot of money for a first purchase, you need to look no further than the company’s BJJ Gi collection. There is no other Gi that is this good, and this comfortable at the Sanabul price. 

The kimonos from Sanabul look very good. They have an amazing color spectrum to choose from. Contrasting hues Give Sanabul Gis a very distinctive appealing look. The sleek design of the Gis is complemented by its lightweight. Fabric options for these offer interesting features like antimicrobial and anti-odor properties. These athletic Gis are also very sturdy and durable. 


At Flow Kimonos, they believe that to enjoy an activity; a person should be fully immersed in what they are doing. This being one of the mantras of Jiu-Jitsu, it is obvious that the makers know what they are doing. 

Every Gi that the brand produces is meant to Give you ultimate motion and flexibility while making sure that you are one hundred percent comfortable while using it. The materials are soft and have moisture-wicking properties. Customers have always praised Flow Kimonos for using such breathable and light material for their Gis. This lets you practice for hours without having to worry about feeling sweaty. It’s all about a proper fit and comfort with this brand. 

Soft does not mean that the Gis are not sturdy. Exceptional in design, the brand makes sure that with reinforced stitching in both the jacket and pants, your Gi remains strong throughout the training. Because the overall weight is very light, and the fabric soft and strong, any of the Gis from Flow Kimonos is guaranteed to last you a long time. 

The company has a very smart sense of aesthetics. Their Gi designs are all very minimal since it was intended that the users could modify their gear according to their personal style. Moderately priced, any Flow Kimono Gi will be on the top of your list for comfort. 


Datsusara stands out from all of its’ competition. Their choice of using hemp to create all their products makes them stand out. Their Gis, belts, bags, etc. are all made from hemp. Their use of hemp revolves around reasons that the fiber is natural, versatile, strong, and environment friendly. The mission of the brand was to set themselves apart by using hemp to create high-quality gears with superior functionality.  The company holds a solid claim over their materials being stronger than cotton counterparts. This may be very true. For the thick consistent weave in the Gis makes it very strong. Yet it is very breathable. Combined with antimicrobial properties, Datsusara Gis are becoming increasingly popular among customers. 

The company has a minimalistic approach to its kimono design. Simple and sleek. Plain colors have hemp twill for the collar and seams. Users have Given rave reviews about the breathable quality of the Gis. The fabric is rough on the outside yet soft on the inside. This makes it hard to grip and, therefore, perfect for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. With every wash, the Gi becomes softer and more comfortable. Unlike cotton Gis, hemp ones do not shrink after wash.

Many other companies also manufacture hemp Gis, but Datsusara stands alone in uniqueness and quality. All their products leave a very distinct impression on its’ users. Even the material ages in a very different interesting manner. Safe to say that this is a brand like no other. 


Whether you are a newcomer to this sport or a professional, you’re probably familiar with Fuji, and their stellar reputation. Over the years, Fuji has carefully cultivated a trusting, stable relationship with its’ customers. They regularly continue to produce exceptional sports gear. After spending a little time in the world of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, you will quite often come across Gis’ made by Fuji. They are one of the leading companies in the market with a production line featuring Gi gears, no-Gi gears, and accessories. Usually, gears are a little expensive as there are so many requirements to meet. Here, Fuji has set a ballpark for producing fantastic kimonos for affordable pricing. The company has a great amount of dedication in designing items that are uncompromising in functionality or quality. It is famously known that the Fuji Gis come reinforced to withstand the duress of sparring, training, and competing. Using fabric that is so light and breathable yet strong has made Fuji a popular choice as one of the best Gi brands to wear. 

Customers aren’t loyal to Fuji only because of their pricing. This international brand has successfully merged traditional look with modern style creating timeless pieces. The focus has always been on comfort. Ensuring that the material fabric is superior in quality, helps the Gi last for a longer period of time. 


Tatami Fightwear has gained its well-deserved reputation through impressive design approaches. This elite brand manufactures Jiu-Jitsu gears in many types, colors, sizes, and pricing. When you look into their Gi collection, you will be suitably pleased with what you find. They have one of the biggest collections in the market. It goes without saying that a Giant such as Tatami would offer you kimono designs that range in sleek, serious looks to fun, funky ones. Their jackets and trousers come featuring different styles and reinforcements. These unique features don’t just look good. They also contribute heavily to how an athlete moves, feels, and performs. 

Tatami has simplified Gi shopping with designs targeted specifically for their use. For example, their ‘Nova Basic’ is perfect for beGinners. The brand also offers different Gi kits tailored for competitions or even regular training. Each type of Gi has some showcasing features. They are products of targeted design approaches. Materials that allow you to move freely, as well as being comfortable and robust, is a Tatami guarantee. 

The company is so good at what they do because they understand their customers. From anyone looking for a budget Gi to professional athletes, Tatami Fightwear has them all. 


Gameness is hands down, one of the most successful companies in the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu world. The fame and popularity revolving the brand come from their years of hard work. Any Gi from the brand is easily identifiable. You will share the same opinion once you focus on any of their apparel. 

It is understandable how much attention the company Gives to every little detail. Class exudes out of every kimono design. The manufacturers will make sure that everything from material choice, to weave and even the color combinations are eye-catching. 

This isn’t all that Gameness has to offer. Except for being super-stylish, they are also known for producing the finest qualities of high-end gears. The Gis have magnificent performance that can cater to one’s everyday training needs or superior competition standards. This means that not only are they comfortable enough to be worn every day, they also have the strength to endure the exhaustion of daily sparring, as well as being tournament caliber. 

Gameness Gis meet all international competition certification and requirements. Their lightweight and strong yet soft texture only help to improve the performance of the athlete wearing them. Another reason why this brand is one of the most successful ones in the game is because of their pricing. They manage to provide extraordinary quality at very affordable pricing. 

Final Words

And there you have it!

You may have realized by now that picking out a Gi is not an easy feat. Take your time, and do your research before making a purchase. Get your money’s worth! 

Don’t worry because whatever you may be looking for, a whole world of options awaits you. Each with their advantages and disadvantages. While it may get confusing to pick only one from so many, having a little knowledge about the most trusted and favored brands will only help you in getting closer to finding the perfect Gi!


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Jiu-Jitsu Street is a community of fun loving and hard rolling BJJ enthusiasts. Born out of our passion for the gentle art, we have decided to create this blog and help you on your journey. Let’s grow and learn together on this never-ending journey. Oss!

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How to Keep the Stripes on a BJJ Belt

bjj belt stripes falling off

How to Keep the Stripes on a BJJ Belt from Falling Off

Let’s learn about how to keep those stripes on the belt and also look into how many kinds of belts are there in BJJ and what those stripes are for.

We’ll show you the top ways to keep your stripes on your belt, whether they fell off already, or are about to fall off.

Even if someone tells you that you shouldn’t care, for us each stripe represents a part of a journey and progress, with the beads of sweat and perseverance over time. They become a part of our Jiu Jitsu identity and hard work on the mats. What most people don’t get about the stripes on the belt is, it is not about the material; it is about what they represent.

So let’s keep ’em on for as long as possible!

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About the Stripes

To move on to the higher degree color, a practitioner commonly needs to earn 4 stripes on his/her current Belt until the Black belt. However, sometimes one can also be promoted to the next belt without actually having to get all 4 stripes first. 

How these stripes will be given depends upon the instructor of the gym. Usually, each stripe is given based on skill, consistency level, attitude, and time spent on the existent belt.

Now, let’s talk about how a practitioner can keep his/her hard-earned stripes from falling off the Belt.

Keeping the Stripes on the Belt

Whether through a rigorous training session or the washing process, the stripes could fall off, unless some precautions are taken. Here are the methods of keeping them on the belt.


The first one is good old-fashioned sewing. You do not need to have legendary skills in the art of sewing. Decent sewing will do.

You can do double stitches to be sure. Sewing will make sure the stripes stay on even after the washing the belt regularly. This option is the most difficult though, unless you are a sewing expert.



We have all heard the phrase, stuck like super glue. Now super glue will come in handy in this situation.

Superglue is best for belt stripes which are about to fall off.

First, apply some superglue on the inner sticky side of the striping tape. Then wrap it slowly around your belt. After wrapping, softly press all over the stripe. Give it some time to stick and maybe blow a bit to help it dry.

Then, voila! It will work like a charm to keep the stripe(s) from falling off.

Check out this super glue from Amazon which we used for our belt stripes.


BJJ Tape

This may seem like an unusual way. BJJ finger tape is different from standard tape and usually used around your fingers.

However, BJJ finger tape is your best choice if your stripes already fell off, and if you are want to use those stripes for practice.

To make a stripe, wrap it around the belt twice. You need to be cautious that no air has entered while wrapping the belt. Cut the end of the tape on the seam of the belt. That should do the trick.



You have to be cautious while following this method. But it is one of the easiest methods. 

Take a hot iron and press them all over the stripe tapes. And, after giving it some time, these should stick to the belt for a long time.


Learn more: BJJ Belt Grading System

There are Five Primary belts for adults in BJJ. Each color represents the practitioner’s development through time. Let’s get right into those colors.

White Belt

The white belt indicates the beginning of the journey in the path of BJJ. This means those who joined will get this belt despite having no experience or skill in this form of martial art.

Blue Belt

This color is the second milestone in the journey. The Practitioner must be a minimum of 16 years old to achieve this belt. This is the belt earned by proving one’s worth on the mat and give some set of techniques a whirl about to see what works best for the practitioner.

This color often requires the longest time before reaching the Black belt level, unless you are BJ Penn who reached it in just 3 years!

Purple Belt 

In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Purple belt means the practitioner is at the intermediate level. This belt indicates that the practitioner has a commendable understanding of the art.

At this level, the practitioner is expected to have several techniques to go to and use them as per their game plan.

Brown Belt

This is the belt that shows the practitioner has achieved a higher level of insight into the techniques of the art. At this level, the practitioner is expected to add his/her insight into his/her stock techniques and use them accordingly in the game plan.

Black Belt

This is the Belt that indicates the practitioner has achieved the prominence in tactical, technical, and mental insights of the art.

This is the highest order in the primary color of belts. From here on, some other colors of belts indicate the ‘Masters’ and the ‘Grandmasters’.

After the Black belt, there is a Red and Black(coral) belt and those who have made a mighty impression on the world of BJJ and they are called the ‘Masters’. When the black belt practitioner moves up to a seventh degree, they are awarded this belt. 

When the practitioner gains the eighth level, they are given the Red and White Belt.

The Red Belt is the highest order in the BJJ and only reserved for those who have achieved the zenith of the art. They are called ‘The Grandmaster’.


Final Words

The BJJ Belts need to be cleaned frequently as the sweats and dirt may pose a hygiene problem. With the methods mentioned above, you can easily keep the stripes from falling off, even with all the washing and training. Happy rolling!


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